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05/02/2010 - 05/07/2010 | Wien

European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 02 - 07 May 2010 in Vienna, Austria

The European Geosciences Union is happy to announce the EGU General Assembly from 02 - 07 May 2010 in Vienna, Austria. Geohazards (the Haiti and Chile earthquakes), the climate change debate, ocean acidification, biosphere-atmosphere interaction, water, renewable resources and low-carbon energy options, and life on early Earth are among this year's central issues.

The EGU General Assembly 2010 will bring together 10,000 geoscientists from all over Europe and the rest of the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. Major General Assembly 2010 topics and debates are related to our natural environment and its current threats: geohazards such as wildfires, weather and climate. Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfires, models of desertification and degradation, and the realities of damage control in forest landscapes will be covered in several sessions.

Information on participating / attending:
Science writers and public information officers of all nations are welcome to attend this conference and to register in advance by 12 April 2010 at the very latest by completing and returning the "Press-Pre-Registration Form", which you will find at the attached website addresses. Press registration at the meeting at the opening hours of the conference office is also possible. Press registration is free-of-charge.


05/02/2010 - 05/07/2010

Event venue:

Austria Center Vienna (ACV)
Bruno Kreisky Platz 1
1220 Wien

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Energy, Environment / ecology, Geosciences, Oceanology / climate, Physics / astronomy

Types of events:




Dick van der Wateren


EGU Press Office

Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:


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