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04/05/2011 - 04/05/2011 | Berlin

3rd Congress Secure Identity

The congress gives experts on (the field of) Secure Identity the opportunity for a scientific exchange, containing all aspects from personal to product identity and biometrics to RFID-technology. Besides the scientific focus, the congress also aims to stress topics like industrial realizations and economical views. In the course of the 3rd Congress Secure Identity we offer the possibility to visit the Euro ID trade show, which covers Secure Identity alongside numerous other topics.

I am me – inimitably so! No business relationship or other relationship founded on trust whether in the real or digital world can exist without secure and unambiguous identity. How do I prove that I really am who I say I am? How do I distinguish an original from a counterfeit? How can I tell that someone sending me a message really is the person he claims to be? To establish with absolute certainty who is authorized to do what or what something belongs to, we need technologies, processes and materials that can unambiguously establish identity while also protecting it and leaving it securely in the hands of the owner.

These technologies, processes and materials define the basic topics of the congress.

The 3rd Congress Secure Identity is organized by Fraunhofer-Innovationsclusters Berlin-Brandenburg.

Information on participating / attending:


04/05/2011 09:00 - 04/05/2011 18:00

Event venue:

Messegelände am Funkturm
14055 Berlin

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, Information technology, Politics, Social studies

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Steffen Pospischil M.A.


Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:

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