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06/21/2012 - 06/21/2012 | Rostock

eLearning Baltics (eLBa) 2012

The 5th international conference »eLearning Baltics« (eLBa) 2012 will again bring together researchers, practitioners and scientists, people using eLearning products and services as well as people producing them.

eLBa 2012 will cover different aspects of learning and teaching with digital media in various settings such as classroom, university, workplace, home or mobile environments. This includes formal as well as informal methods and technologies in different branches like research, construction, manufacturing and on different levels like the office or
shop-floor-level in manufacturing.

The eLearning Baltics (eLBa) 2012 will address diverse topics and perspectives, technologies and theories, implementations and evaluations of eLearning from the fields of computer science, pedagogy, psychology and design. Accordingly, we invite experts from all these fields to contribute to eLBa 2012.

Like the previous eLBa conferences, eLBa 2012 consists of three parts:
• eLBa Science – an international scientific conference,
• eLBa Business – a business congress and user forum,
• eLBa Exhibition – an accompanying exhibition for eLearning products and services.
The eLBa Science – international scientific eLearning conference – is supported by »Gesellschaft für Informatik« (GI), the German network of professionals teaching, researching or working in computer science, and by the German Chapter of ACM.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Technology Enhanced Learning
• eLearning and Virtual Training: Concepts, Technologies, and Methodologies
• Workplace Learning: Working, Collaborating, and Learning
• Game Based Learning: Teaching, Learning and Gaming
• Virtual and Augmented Reality in Learning and Training
• Virtual Learning Environments
• Location and Context Aware Learning and Training
• Pedagogical Issues for eLearning and Virtual Training

Assistance at the Workplace
• Electronic Job Performance Support: Concepts, Technologies, and Methodologies
• Task Modeling and Task Recognition
• User Profile Modeling and Behavior Recognition
• Semantic Enhanced Knowledge Discovery and Information Providing
• User Context Detection and Activity Logging
• Context Aware Recommendation
• HCI for Assistance at the Workplace

Applications of Technology Enhanced Learning and Assistance at the Workplace
• Virtual Class Rooms, Laboratories, and Universities
• Mobile Learning, Teaching and Training
• Collaborative Learning and Social Networks in Learning and Training
• Learner Motivation and Assessment in eLearning and Training
• Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
• Situation Aware Assistance in Work Processes
• AR Maintenance


We invite submissions presenting original academic or indu¬strial research. Please submit an extended abstract of at least 3 pages (shorter abstracts will be rejected) in English language via EasyChair ( until January 31, 2012. The three-page extended abstract shall introduce the research question treated in the full paper including applied methods and expected results. All submissions must be rendered anonymous to facilitate blind reviewing. They will be peer-reviewed and selected according to reviewer recommendations.

We expect camera-ready papers of 8 to 10 pages by April 15, 2012. Presentations will have to be held at the conference. Accepted submissions will have to be presented by at least one author at eLBa 2012 in Rostock and will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be published additionally in the Springer Journal “Transaction on Edutainment”. Accepted submissions require registration and payment until April 15, 2012 in order to be published in the conference proceedings. The respective invoice (189 EUR plus VAT) will be sent along with acceptance notifications.
Please find more information about the submission process along with a paper template at

January 31, 2012: Submission deadline for extended abstracts
March 15, 2012: Notification of acceptance
April 15, 2012: Camera-ready papers
June 21-22, 2012: eLBa conference in Rostock

Bodo Urban, Fraunhofer IGD
Petra Müsebeck, Fraunhofer IGD

Rafaele de Amicis, Trento Uniuversity / GraphiTech, Italy
Patricia Arnold, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
Linda Breitlauch, Mediaqdesign Hochschule Düsseldorf, Germany
Ellen Christiansen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Jürgen Cleve, University of Applied Sciences Wismar, Germany
Ira Diethelm, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Petra Grell, University of Potsdam, Germany
Lutz Goertz, MMB, Germany
Jörg Haake, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
Sybille Hambach, Baltic College University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Udo Hinze, SAZ e.V., Germany
Wu-Yuin Hwang, Institute of Network Learning Technology, Taiwan
Klaus Jantke, Fraunhofer IDMT, Germany
Joaquim Jorge, Technical University Lisbon, Portugal
Michael Kickmeier-Rust, University of Graz, Austria
Lars Kjelldahl, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Huberta Kritzenberger, Stuttgart Media University, Germany
Barbara Kump, Know-Center, Austria
Seppo Laukka, University of Oulu, Finland
Mia Lindegren, Uppsala University, Sweden
Andreas Lingnau, University of Strathclyde, UK
Ulrike Lucke, University of Potsdam, Germany
Heide Lukosch, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Dennis Maciuszek, University of Rostock, Germany
Aderito Marcos, Open University Portugal, Portugal
Alke Martens, Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Wolfgang Müller, University of Education Weingarten, Germany
Petra Müsebeck, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Viktoria Pammer, Know-Center, Austria
Zhigeng Pan, Zhejiang University, China
Stasys Paulauskas, Eksponente Innovations Group, Lithuania
Jan Pawlowski, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Hanna Risku, Donau-Universität Krems, Austria
Danguole Rutkauskiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Ulrik Schroeder, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Peter Sloep, Open University of the Netherlands, Netherlands
Christina Steiner, University of Graz, Austria
Christian Swertz, Wien University, Austria
Klaus Tochtermann, Leibnitz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Germany
Bodo Urban, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Yangsheng Wang, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Martina Weicht, University of Rostock, Germany

Information on participating / attending:
Conference fee

289 EUR plus VAT
189 EUR plus VAT for speakers at eLBa Science


06/21/2012 09:00 - 06/21/2012 18:00

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

Radisson Blu Hotel
Lange Straße 40
D-18055 Rostock, Germany
18055 Rostock

Target group:

Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Information technology

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Fraunhofer IGD, Bodo Urban und Petra Müsebeck,


Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:


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