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09/05/2012 - 09/07/2012 | Mainz

Religion in the Age of Imperial Humanitarianism, 1850-1950

The conference discusses the globalisation of religious humanitarianism. The focus is on missionary and philanthropic organisations that pursued religious and more broadly humanitarian aims. Participants from different disciplines critically consider European and non-European interactions and discuss Christian and non-Christian concepts. They analyse the longevity and malleability of religious arguments for state and non-state humanitarian assistance well into the twentieth century.

Wednesday 5 Sept. 2012

14:00 Welcome & introduction

14:30 – 17:00
I Global players and humanitarian networks
Chair: Johannes Paulmann (Mainz)

Ian Tyrrell (Sidney)
American missionaries and moral reform in the conception and mobilisation of humanitarian transnational movements in the age of formal empire, 1898-1934.

Daniel Maul (Gießen)
»Lay upon us the burden of the world's suffering« - the Quakers transatlantic network of relief 1890-1940

Jeffrey Cox (Iowa City)
The invisibility of liberal Protestantism: from mission society to NGO in twentieth century Britain.

Des hommes et des dieux, Frankreich 2010 (dir.: Xavier Beauvois)
screening and discussion (am Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte)

Thursday, 6 Sept. 2012

9:00 – 10:30
II Media and humanitarian mobilisation
Chair: Harald Fischer-Tiné (Zürich)

Alexandra Przyrembel (Essen/Göttingen)
Media, money, and empathy – missionary organizations and fundraising strategies in the 19th century

Michael Berkowitz (London)
From nationalization to refugee relief: photography, Zionist publicity and fundraising

11:00 – 13:00
III Gendering religious humanitarianism
Chair: Judith Becker (Mainz)

Harald Fischer-Tiné (Zürich)
Muscling in on Asia: the YMCA in India and Ceylon, c. 1890-1930

Pamela Walker (Ottawa)
Gender and British faith missions: the South Africa General Mission

Jana Tschurenev (Zürich)
Science, religion, morality: the Women’s Christian Temperance Union’s educational programs.

14:30 – 16:00
IV Religious humanitarianism in transition
Chair: Rebekka Habermas (Göttingen)

Mark R. Frost (Colchester)
Humanitarianism from the other side: snapshots from Britain’s Asian Empire, 1860-1920

Gwilym Beckerlegge (Milton Keynes)
Samnyasins (renouncers), jivanvratis (life-workers) and the growth of seva (service) as a sadhana (›spiritual discipline‹): a study of recent expressions of Hindu humanitarianism inspired by Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)

16:30 – 18:00
Chair: Vincent Viaene(Amsterdam)

Esther Möller (Mainz)
Adapting a Christian European organization to Islamic anticolonial needs: the Egyptian Red Crescent in the first half of the 20th century

Soumen Mukherjee (Berlin)
A ›liberal‹ and secular imagination: Islam and Ismaili ethics in the twentieth century

Friday, 7 Sept. 2012

9:00 – 10:30
V Civilising missions in and outside of Europe
Chair: Andreas Eckert (Berlin)

Thomas Weller (Mainz)
The long road to abolition: Spanish discourses on slavery in the nineteenth century

Bronwen Everill (Coventry)
Mission station and anti-slavery settlement: the civilising mission and humanitarian interventions in British Africa

11:00 – 12:30
Chair: Thomas David (Lausanne)

Felix Brahm (Bielefeld)
Protecting the interior: Missionary concerns and the politics of restricting the arms trade in East Africa, 1870s to 1890s

Dean Pavlakis (Buffalo)
Debating the role of religion in the Congo reform movement, 1896-1913

14:00 – 16:30
Chair: Alexandra Przyrembel (Göttingen)

Francesco Spöring (Zürich)
Spirits and spirituality: the Basle mission’s anti-alcohol activism between Switzerland and West Africa, c. 1880–1940

Nikolay Kamenov (Zürich)
Evangelicals and Tolstoyans: global connections and abstinence activism in Bulgaria

17:00 – 18:45
How to write a global history of humanitarianism:
Concluding discussion and perspectives

Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz
Professur Geschichte der Modernen Welt an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich

Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné
Prof. Dr. Johannes Paulmann
PD Dr. Alexandra Przyrembel

Die Konferenz wird gefördert vom DFG.

Information on participating / attending:
Anmeldungen werden erbeten an:

Stefanie Wiehl
Referat Veranstaltungen und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte
Alte Universitätsstr. 19
D-55116 Mainz
Tel.: 0049 (0) 6131-3939350


09/05/2012 14:00 - 09/07/2012 18:45

Event venue:

Akademie des Bistums Mainz
Konferenzraum im »Haus am Dom«
Liebfrauenplatz 8
55116 Mainz

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students

Email address:


transregional, national

Subject areas:

Cultural sciences, History / archaeology, Religion, Social studies

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Stefanie Wiehl


Geschäftsführung / Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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