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05/23/2013 - 05/24/2013 | Berlin

Jean Monnet Conference

One for all and all for one? The role of collective actors in enforcing European Law.

How can obligations under EU law be effectively enforced? Traditionally, European law has answered this question through two routes: it has relied either on the EU institutions (particularly the Commission) or upon affected individuals to bring individuals and Member States to account for violations of EU law. What, however, if these two routes fail? In many fields of EU law – such as environmental and consumer protection – the costs of litigation may be too high, or the economic benefits too dispersed, for individuals to have the incentives needed to enforce their EU rights in court. In some other fields – e.g. anti-discrimination – these problems are often combined with the fact that EU institutions may be reluctant to intervene in sensitive fields of national policy. The failure of individual and institutional enforcement may therefore create the need for new routes to enforce EU law’s most basic rights.

This conference is designed to explore such a route: the capacity for collective actors, such as NGOs or other bodies representing collective interests, to enforce EU law. The issue of collective enforcement has gained heightened political attention in the last year as a consequence of a Commission consultation on collective redress in consumer protection and competition law (European Commission, Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress, 2011). The academic and institutional debate surrounding collective enforcement, however, leaves a number of unanswered questions. How comprehensive, for example, should collective remedies in European law be? And who should take the initiative in developing and implementing collective remedies – the European Courts, the EU institutions – through EU-level legislation – or national authorities? Finally, how should collective remedies be developed? What pitfalls and dangers might the development of collective remedies involve?

Through the support of The Jean Monnet Programme, this conference will bring together academics, practitioners, institutional actors and civil society representatives either involved in the collective dimension to EU law, or engaged in the question of how collective remedies can be designed. This conference is a collaboration between the European and Global Governance Cluster of the Hertie School of Governance and the Maastricht Centre for European Law.

Information on participating / attending:
If you wish to attend please register via Fax: +49-30-259 219 444 or e-mail:


05/23/2013 09:00 - 05/24/2013 18:00

Event venue:

Hertie School of Governance
Friedrichstraße 180 | 10117 Berlin
10117 Berlin

Target group:

Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Law, Politics

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Miriam Hauft



Event is free:


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