idw - Informationsdienst
09/07/2017 - 09/08/2017 | Berlin
In 2017 we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the death of Heinrich Friedrich von Diez (1751-1817). He was a profound and belligerent expert of the languages and cultures of the Middle East and a passionate book-collector. A fresh look on him and his almost forgotten works can contribute to a better understanding of the development of Oriental studies in Germany between the period of Enlightenment and the emergence of Oriental philology.
As a young man Diez was a committed freemason and published some essays on social and political issues that make him appear as a typical representative of the Sturm und Drang era. Between 1784 and 1790 he was the Prussian envoy at the Ottoman Sublime Porte in Constantinople. During these years he intensified his studies of Oriental languages and became a widely acknowledged scholar and connoisseur of the Middle and Near East. After his premature dismissal in 1790 he settled down near Berlin and devoted himself to studying the books and manuscripts he had brought from Turkey. He made German readers aware of the Turkish national epic of Dede Qorqūd and the Persian mirror for princes Qābūsnāma. In his Denkwürdigkeiten of Asien, published in two volumes in 1811 and 1815, he dealt with many geographical, linguistic, literary and ethnographic topics based on sources in his manuscript collection. His impact on Goethes West-östlichen Divan and his heavy dispute with Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall are well known. In the last years of his life Diez became a devout Christian. He died in 1817 while working on an Ottoman edition of the Bible.
Diez bequeathed his outstanding personal library comprising about 17,000 printed books and more than 850 Oriental and Western manuscripts to the Royal Library in Berlin, where it is preserved to this day as one of its most important collections.
Thursday, 7 September 2017
9:00 Registration and coffee
9:30 Welcome/Introduction
9:45 Lela Gibson (Los Angeles)
Heinrich Friedrich von Diez: New Perspectives (keynote lecture)
10:40 Coffee break
11:10 Ursula Winter (Berlin)
Heinrich Friedrich von Diez und seine abendländischen Handschriften
11:40 Katrin Böhme (Berlin)
„Ich hatte dabei wesentlich meine Bequemlichkeit zur Absicht.“ – Die Bibliothek Diez, ihre Kataloge und ihre Systematik
12:25 Lunch break
13:30 Manfred Voigts (Berlin)
Der frühe Diez und die deutsche Sprache
14:00 Dieter Hüning (Trier)
„Ich will keine Wahrheit lehren. Ich schreibe nur, was ich denke“ - Diez’ Abgesang auf die Konzeption des Naturzustandes
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 Gideon Stiening (Köln)
Zur Anthropologie des Genies
15:45 Arne Klawitter (Tokyo)
Freigeist, Philosoph und Rezensent: H. F. Diez als Verfasser einer bislang unbekannten religionskritischen Abhandlung und als Mitarbeiter der Lemgoer Auserlesenen Bibliothek
16:30 Break
18:00 Hendrik Birus (München/Bremen)
Goethes Hochschätzung des ‚Liebhabers‘ und ‚Polemikers‘ Diez (public keynote lecture)
Friday, 8 September 2017
9:30 Abdullah Güllüoglu (Istanbul)
Die Gesandtschaft Ali Aziz Efendis in Berlin, sein Tod und die Entstehung eines islamischen Friedhofs
10:00 Deniz Kılıç (Trabzon)
An Unsuccessful Alliance Attempt: The Proposal of the Ottoman Empire, Prussian and Britain Alliance against Russia
10:30 Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha) and Anne-Simone Rous (Dresden)
Heinrich Friedrich Diez in Konstantinopel: Seine chiffrierten Briefe an Dohm und die Affäre Gaffron
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Klaus Kreiser (Berlin)
Eine „langatmige und „unergiebige Polemik“? Die Fehde zwischen Diez und Hammer
12:15 Henning Sievert (Zürich)
Heinrich Friedrich von Diez' unveröffentlichte Korrespondenz auf Türkisch
13:00 Lunch break
14:15 Semih Tezcan (Ankara)
Gedanken und Bemerkungen über zwei türkische Handschriften (Dresd. Ea 86 Kitāb-ı Dedem Ḳorḳud und Berlin, Diez. A quart. 31 Kitāb-ı Oġuznāme-i Türkī ve Tatarca Ḍarb-ı Mes̠el)
14:45 Christoph Rauch (Berlin)
Diez’ Korrespondenz mit Oluf Gerhard Tychsen zwischen 1791 und 1793
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Elisabeth Fraser (Tampa, FL.)
Connected Histories: Diez, an Ottoman Costume Album, and Cross-Cultural Collaboration
16:30 Claus-Peter Haase (Berlin)
Diez and the West-Eastern “Geschmack”: collecting beyond textual interests
17:15 Summary
Information on participating / attending:
09/07/2017 09:00 - 09/08/2017 18:00
Event venue:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin –
Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Potsdamer Str. 33
10785 Berlin
Target group:
Scientists and scholars, all interested persons
Email address:
Subject areas:
Art / design, Cultural sciences, History / archaeology, Language / literature
Types of events:
Conference / symposium / (annual) conference
Christoph Rauch
Generaldirektion - Pressestelle
Event is free:
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URL of this event:
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