Central phone number:
0261/9528-109 (Koblenz) / 02642/932-274 (Remagen)
Homepage of the institution
Homepage of the institution
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Transfer office or representative
Research catalogue
Kommunikation und Marketing
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
56075 Koblenz
email address: kommunikation@hs-koblenz.de
Yvonne Dommermuth
Telephone: 0261 9528-109
email address: dommermuth@hs-koblenz.de
Jaqueline Bauer
Telephone: 0
fax: 0
email address: bauer@hs-koblenz.de
Nadine Henning
Telephone: 0261 / 9528-709
email address: henning@hs-koblenz.de
Hochschule Koblenz, Abteilung Forschung und Transfer
Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2
53424 Remagen
email address: huelster@hs-koblenz.de
Dr. Anke Hülster
Telephone: 02642 / 932-204
fax: 02642 / 932-359
email address: huelster@hs-koblenz.de
RheinAhrCampus Remagen Pressestelle
Südallee 2
53424 Remagen
Dipl.-Bw. (FH) Judith Sikora
Fachbereich Betriebs- und Sozialwirtschaft
Telephone: 02642/ 932-309
fax: 02642/ 932-308
email address: sikora@hs-koblenz.de
The Science Year 2025 of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung [...]
We are now also publishing our members' press releases from the categories research results, [...]
You can combine search terms with and, or and/or not, e.g. Philo not logy.
You can use brackets to separate combinations from each other, e.g. (Philo not logy) or (Psycho and logy).
Coherent groups of words will be located as complete phrases if you put them into quotation marks, e.g. “Federal Republic of Germany”.
You can also use the advanced search without entering search terms. It will then follow the criteria you have selected (e.g. country or subject area).
If you have not selected any criteria in a given category, the entire category will be searched (e.g. all subject areas or all countries).