Die europäischen Qualitätssicherer für Management-Programme haben gemeinsame "Guidelines" zur Qualitätssicherung von MBA-Programmen entwickelt. Diese Richtlinien sollen eine gleichmäßig hohe Qualität des europäischen MBAŽs sicherstellen.
Kernelemente für einen europäischen MBA sind: Der MBA ist ein postgraduierten Abschluß. Berufserfahrung wird vorausgesetzt. Das Curriculum muß alle wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bereiche umfassen, denn der MBA ist eine "General Management" Ausbildung. Ein MBA soll mindestens 1 Jahr dauern bzw. 400 Unterrichtsstunden umfassen. Die Auswahl der Studenten sollte hoch selektiv sein. Ständige und rigorose Leistungsüberprüfungen sollen sicherstellen, daß nur wirklich qualifizierte Bewerber den Abschluß erhalten.
Interessenten können die Guidelines im Internet abrufen oder bei der FIBAA kostenlos bestellen.
"... MBA Guidelines
1.The MBA is a postgraduate degree at the Master's level and must correspond to minimum intellectual and academic standards for such degrees. Admission to an MBA programme will normally require a first degree or equivalent. This requirement can only be lowered exceptionally in the case of candidates with substantial and proven professional erience.
2.The MBA is a postexperience degree seen as a career accelerator or a means to make a career shift after a minimum of 2 or 3 years' professional experience. Programmes designed to help young graduates prepare for their entry into professional life should normally carry an alternative title.
3.The MBA is a generalist degree in business administration. In line with the previous guideline it is a broadening programme. As a result a specialized Master's degree should not be called an MBA.
4.It is important that the MBA be clearly identified with a certain type of content. The MBA curriculum provides broad coverage of the main functional areas in management, namely accounting, finance, marketing and sales, operations management, information systems management, law, human resource management. It is also expected to provide basic instruction in economics and quantatitive analysis. The Curriculum will normally be highly integrative and will
include courses in business policy and strategy. Beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge and technical skills the curriculum is expected to put theory into practice by focusing on the personal development of participants through such competencies as decision-making, team work,
leadership skills, entrepreneurial potential, negotiation skills, communication and presentation skills. The later part of the programme should make provision for electives and may include the possibility for participants to choose a major area of study.
5.The MBA has a minimum length of one academic year of full-time study or the equivalent when the programme is offered on a part-time basis.
6.The MBA will require a minimum of 400 hours of classroom study or structured contact. In all the programme should require a minimum of 1200 hours of personal work.
7.An MBA programme should be intellectually demanding and require a substantial personal investment in terms of commitment and effort.
8.Admission to an MBA programme should be through a rigorous process of selection to ensure that only qualified participants are given access to the degree.
9.Participants in an MBA programme should be rigorously assessed through a regime ofexaminations and graded work in order to ensure that learning objectives are being met up to
Master's degree standards ...."
Detlev Kran
Leiter der Geschäftsstelle
FIBAA - Qualitätssicherung beim Bachelor und Master
Akkreditiert vom deutschen Akkreditierungsrat
Adenauerallee 8a
53113 Bonn
Tel: 0049(0)228-1044300
Fax: 0049(0)228-1044303
E-Mail: kran@fibaa.de
Internet: WWW.FIBAA.de
Criteria of this press release:
Economics / business administration
transregional, national
Scientific Publications, Studies and teaching
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