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07/03/2018 13:55

TU Berlin: Volker Mehrmann to Become New President of the European Mathematical Society

Stefanie Terp Stabsstelle Presse, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Alumni
Technische Universität Berlin

    Joint Press Release of Research Center Matheon and Technische Universität Berlin

    Professor Dr. Volker Mehrmann from TU Berlin is to take over leadership of the largest European mathematical society with some 60 national organizations on 01 January 2019. Alongside international cooperation, his work will focus on the promotion of early-career researchers and women. In the future, he will also advance exchanges across system boundaries, for example between pure and applied mathematics, which will also embrace other scientific disciplines and politics.

    Born in Westphalia, Professor Mehrmann's career included periods at RWTH Aachen and Chemnitz University of Technology, before he took up his professorship at the Institute of Mathematics at Technische Universität Berlin in October 2000, where he has been ever since. His research is in the area of numerical mathematics, particularly numerical linear algebra and control theory. His appointment to the position of president is for four years. The election was held during the council session of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) in Prague.

    Mehrmann can look back on many years of active commitment to international exchange and the promotion of mathematics

    Mehrmann enjoys particularly good connections within the European research community, both in the area of mathematics and its applications. He has already occupied the position of vice president at the EMS and was further responsible for the organization of the European Congress of Mathematics in Berlin. Alongside his activities for the EMS, Professor Mehrmann also sits on the boards of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) and the EU MATHS IN initiative, which promotes collaboration between mathematics researchers and industry. Additionally he is a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) and acted as spokesperson for the Berlin research center MATHEON between 2008 and 2016.

    Mehrmann intends to focus on international cooperation, lobbying Brussels and the promotion of early-career researchers and women

    "This new role is a great honor for me and brings with it great responsibility to bring about change. Drawing on the example of our success at MATHEON, I am seeking to improve communication and cooperation between mathematical disciplines as well as between mathematics and other sciences. This includes forging bridges between the different mathematical cultures which exist in Europe. We have to lobby on behalf of mathematics in Brussels to achieve recognition there for our discipline as a central component in the development of new technologies, as well as to ensure its inclusion in funding measures. Promotion of early-career researchers is also of great importance to me. We need harmonized standards of education both at schools and in teacher training across Europe, many countries have to achieve better prospects for early-career researchers and improve measures for the promotion of women while also increasing their presence in mathematics", says Professor Mehrmann regarding his primary objectives.

    European Mathematical Society:

    The European Mathematical Society (EMS) was founded in Poland in 1990 on the initiative of the British Mathematician Sir Michael Atiyah in order to advance the networking at European level of the individual national mathematical societies. It represents researchers in more than 60 national organizations in the area of mathematics, 40 mathematical research institutes as well as some 3,000 individuals.

    The Society promotes the development of mathematics in the most diverse areas. In addition to supporting research proposals and promoting mathematical education, the focus of its work is on exchanges with other European institutions, such as political, economic and civil society organizations. The four-yearly EMS-organized European Congress of Mathematics provides a stage for the presentation of new research results and a forum for communication between mathematicians and the general public.

    Interview with Professor Dr. Mehrmann:

    Portrait of Professor Dr. Mehrmann as download:

    Further information available from:
    Dr. Uta Deffke
    Public Relations - Research Center MATHEON
    Tel.: +49 (0)30 314 - 28323

    Prof. Dr. Volker Mehrmann
    Technische Universität Berlin
    Tel: +49 (0)30 314 – 25736

    About Matheon:
    MATHEON is a research center for application driven mathematics. Its scientists develop new methods in modeling, simulation, and optimization for real world processes in all key technology areas. The research covers projects in the application fields Clinical Research and Health Care, Metropolitan Infrastructure, Optical Technologies, Sustainable Energies, as well as Geometric Design and Visualization. New methodologies are developed in interdisciplinary cooperation with project partners from industry, economy and science. MATHEON also cooperates with schools and the general public to raise public awareness in the wide applicability of mathematics and to attract new generations of young researchers.

    MATHEON is a joint research center of the three Berlin universities (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin) and the mathematical research institutes WIAS (Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik) and ZIB (Zuse Institut Berlin). Research in MATHEON is currently supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin via the Einstein Center ECMath.

    About Technische Universität Berlin:
    With around 34,500 students, around 120 courses of study and 40 institutes, the Technische Universität Berlin is one of the largest, internationally renowned and traditional technical universities in Germany. Outstanding achievements in research and teaching, the qualification of very good graduates and a modern, service-oriented administration characterize the university in Germany's capital - in the center of Europe. The range of services offered by its seven faculties represents a unique combination of natural and technical sciences with planning, economic, social and human sciences at a technical university. The Technische Universität Berlin is the only university in the capital region where you can study engineering.


    Criteria of this press release:
    Journalists, Scientists and scholars
    transregional, national
    Cooperation agreements, Personnel announcements



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