When molecules are not directly connected – but nevertheless inseparable: Interlocked molecules behave like chain links or a ring on a rod which is closed on both sides. Prof. Dr Jochen Niemeyer at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is researching how they are applied. As a scout in the Henriette Herz Programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, he is now looking for international scientific support.
The Henriette Herz Scouting-Program enables three outstanding international scientists to do research at the UDE with a Humboldt Fellowship. Young talents as well as experienced researchers are eligible. The sponsorship period is 24 months for postdocs and 18 months for experienced researchers. The Humboldt Foundation's programme is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In February, Mathematics Professor Irwin Yousept was appointed the 1st Henriette Heart Scout at UDE (www.uni-due.de/2023-02-16-erster-henriette-herz-scout-der-ude/).
The research of the Niemeyer group at UDE deals with organic and supramolecular chemistry with a special focus on interlocked molecules. These can act as catalysts which accelerate chemical reactions and avoid unwanted byproducts.
When choosing Henriette Herz Fellows, a diverse approach is important for Professor Niemeyer: ‘Ideally, one of the three people is already permanently employed in another organisation – in industry, for example. We want to show them the chance to start a scientific career after all’, says the UDE researcher. He is looking for the second talent in Japan. ‘There are many excellently qualified chemists there, but they are often not attracted to Europe. I would like to use my contacts from my research in Japan to select scholarship holders.’ The third decision will be made by Jochen Niemeyer via an anonymous procedure. ‘We are launching a competition for ideas on a specific question for which interested researchers can send us a short proposal. With this we deliberately focus on the quality of the proposal and pay less attention to the CV.’
Note for editors:
We provide a photograph of Prof. Dr Jochen Niemeyer (© UDE / Frank Preuß) for reporting at the following link:
Further information:
Prof. Dr Jochen Niemeyer, Organic Chemistry, tel. +49 (0)201/18-33148, jochen.niemeyer@uni-due.de
Editorial office: Dr Alexandra Nießen, tel. +49 (0)203/37 9-1487, alexandra.niessen@uni-due.de
Organic Chemistry: Prof. Dr Jochen Niemeyer, tel. +49 (0)201/18-33148, jochen.niemeyer@uni-due.de
Seeks for Talents: Professor Niemeyer, Henriette-Herz-Scout
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