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10/02/2024 10:22

Environmental research at BayCEER at the University of Bayreuth turns 20

Anja-Maria Meister Pressestelle
Universität Bayreuth

    For 20 years, the BayCEER (Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research) at the University of Bayreuth has been successfully addressing the major ecological challenges of our time: global change and climate change, the loss of biodiversity and ecosystems, and the sustainable use of natural resources. The BayCEER founding fathers and mothers were already addressing issues 20 years ago, some of which are only becoming clear today.

    BayCEER brings together around 30 working groups that work on ecological issues in a networked and interdisciplinary manner. It therefore plays a central role not only for research, but also for the environmental studies courses at the University of Bayreuth. In addition, the researchers at BayCEER have established successful formats with conferences such as “Forest Controversies” and “Water Controversies” in order to disseminate their knowledge to society in a variety of ways.

    BayCEER members are active in the renowned Collaborative Research Center Microplastics, the SUSALPS project (Sustainable use of alpine and pre-alpine grassland soils in climate change) and RhizoTraits (Rhizospheric properties to improve yield resistance to drought in modern cropping systems), among others. In addition, BayCEER hosts ERC Starting Grant holders and participants in the Emmy Noether Program. BayCEER has been very successful in acquiring further funding, e.g. the new DFG Core Facility “Bayreuth Center for Stable Isotope Research in Ecology and Biogeochemistry” (BayCenSi).

    To celebrate this, BayCEER is organizing a workshop on 10 and 11 October 2024 in Bayreuth. The latest research results and current projects from all areas of BayCEER will be presented and discussed. Media representatives are cordially invited to attend.

    Official homepage of BayCEER and the workshop for background information:

    Contact for scientific information:

    Alana Steinbauer
    Head of BayCEER Office
    Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 5710


    20 years of BayCEER
    20 years of BayCEER


    Criteria of this press release:
    Journalists, Scientists and scholars
    Environment / ecology
    transregional, national
    Scientific conferences


    20 years of BayCEER

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