idw - Informationsdienst
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
unter der Deutschen EU-Ratspraesidentschaft findet im Rahmen der
Veranstaltungsreihe Zukunft Europa: "Gemeinsam lernen - gemeinsam forschen"
ein Kongress statt, zu der ich Sie einladen moechte:
"Forward Thinking - Keys to the future in education and research"
14. und 15. Juni 1999 im CCH
Am Dammtor, Hamburg
Das Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung beabsichtigt, mit dieser
Konferenz einen strategischen Dialog ueber zentrale Bildungs-, Forschungs-
und Innovationsaktivitaeten fuer die Zukunft in Europa anzustossen. Mehr als
300 Fachleute werden neben der Darstellung unterschiedlicher methodische
Ansaetze in Europa und den USA die Moeglichkeiten in Bildung und Forschung
diskutieren, um eine Staerkung der europaeischen Wettbewerbsfaehigkeit zu
erreichen und neue Netzwerke von Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik in
Europa entstehen zu lassen.
Die Konferenz wird vom Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung in
Zusammenarbeit mit der EU-Kommission veranstaltet.
Herzlich einladen moechte ich Sie zur
am Montag, 14. Juni 1999, um 12:30 Uhr,
im Restaurant Kranzler (Raum "Planten un Blomen"),
1. Stock im CCH !
Am Dammtor, Hamburg
Teilnehmen werden:
Wolf-Michael Catenhusen, Parlamentarischer Staatssekretaer im
Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung,
Dr. Heriolf Grupp, stellv. Institutsleiter des Fraunhofer Institut fuer
Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung
Dr. Guenter Wess, Site Head Germany, Hoechst Marion Roussel GmbH
Beiliegend finden Sie das ausfuehrliche Programm der Konferenz.
Anmeldungen koennen vorgenommen werden bei
Frau Juliane Papendorf,
Tel. 040-3569 2446,
Fax: 040-3569 2459.
Mit besten Gruessen
Ali Arslan
Programme Forward Thinking
The conference is a two-day event (14 and 15 June) and includes plenary
sessions on the mornings of 14 and 15 June and four parallel focus panels on
the afternoon of 14 June. In each panel, invited speakers will give
presentations, followed by detailed and constructive discussions. Results
from the focus panels will be collected and discussed in the plenary session
on the morning of Tuesday 15 June.
The participating countries will present their national foresight activities
(concepts and measures) in an exhibition in order to foster informal
On the evening of 14 June there will be a reception given by the Mayor and
Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg at the historic Town Hall.
The programme is subject to change.
14 June 1999
10.00 a.m., Hall 6 Plenary Session
Ortwin Runde Mayor and President of the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic
City of Hamburg
Welcoming Address
Wolf-Michael Catenhusen Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research
Keys to the Future on the Threshold of the New Millennium
Edith Cresson Member of the Commission
The Fifth Framework Programme: What Comes Next? The Role of Foresight in EU
Eckhard Cordes Visions of a Global Corporation
Harold A. Linstone Foresight Activities Around the Globe
Ben Martin Research and Technology Foresight in Europe
12.30 - 2.00 p.m. Lunch at CCH/Exhibition
Panel Sessions
14 June
2.00 p.m Hall 5A
Panel 1: Trends and Challenges in Industrial Technology: The Culture
of Forward Thinking
Research developments and societal changes both affect industry. How does
industry cope with these changes, how does it prepare itself and how does it
react? Representatives from different industry sectors and countries discuss
new approaches and developments.
Chairman Jean-Jaques Duby
Rapporteur N.N.
Juhani Kuusi Research - a Widely Interacting Element in High-Tech
Guenther Wess Paradigm Shift in Drug Research
Luigi Francione Evolution and Challenges of the Automotive Sector in
the Year 2000
Claus Christiansen Forseeing New Developments in Biotechnology
Bertus Pals High Volume Electronics: A Challenge for Industrial
Hall 5B
Panel 2: Major Forces for Change and their Potential Impact on
On the one hand, the development of society affects industry, but on the
other hand industry influences human needs through new products. How do
technical and societal developments change education and education systems?
What consequences can be expected? Representatives from different education
systems exchange experiences and expectations relating to their respective
Chairman Hubert Markl
Rapporteur N.N.
Sir John Cadogan: The Quality of Education in a Changing World. How
the British System
Prepares for the Future
Inger R. Bergendahl Education and Labour Market: Missing and Necessary
Jo Groebel New Media - New Learning - New Education
Gerlinde Mehlhorn Creativity: A Key to Innovation
Helmut Schauer Learning and Work
Reijo Vihko Impacts of Technical and Societal Changes on Science
and Education
N.N. Spain
14 June
2.00 p.m Hall 5C
Panel 3: Action Agenda for State-funded Science and Policy
Major trends in technology will have certain influences on state-funded
science and policy. What are the consequences of these trends for action?
What is the ìaction agendaì which has to be followed for such areas as
research structures, funding and the interaction of state-funded science and
policy? Experiences gained in national foresight processes are exchanged,
and impetus is given to new intellectual approaches.
Chairman Jean-Marie Cadiou
Rapporteur Nikolaos Kastrinos
Jorma Routti EU and National Science Programmes - Linkages and
Luke Georghiou Role and Effects of Foresight in the United Kingdom
Barend v. d. Meulen Foresight as a Tool for Innovation Management in
Detlev Ganten Action Agenda for the Helmholtz Association of NRC
Caroline Wagner International Alliances in Technology Transfer and
Jean-Alain Héraud Foresight and Public Planning of Higher Education
and Research at the
Regional Level: The French Experience and the Case
of Alsace
Luk van Langenhove Sustainable Development and the Information Society.
Herbert Gassert Research Foresight in Germany: The Approach of the Science
14 June
2.00 p.m Hall 5D
Panel 4: Coherence and Disparities in Forward Thinking in Europe
The countries of Europe are growing ever closer together at an economic and
political level. Coherence and disparities in foresight initiatives
therefore have to be discussed in more detail. Foresight experts from EU
member states and experts from accession candidates point out the
differences in methodology and the key objectives of the respective
measures. The primary purpose of the panel is to summarize, as far as
possible, the specific results and conclusions of foresight activities in
the various countries, with a view to a unified Europe.
Chairman Wolfgang Michalski
Rapporteur James Gavigan
Gunther Tichy Decision Delphi - an Instrument as a Contribution to
Establishing a National Innovation
Attila Havas Foresight in a Small Country in Transition: Preliminary
Lessons of TEP, the Hungarian
Technology Foresight Programme
Jerzy Langer Science and Education Versus Market Economy: The Polish Case
Gustavo Fahrenkrog The Futures Project: Choices and Options for
Technology and
Enrico Deiaco Swedish Technology Foresight - Work in Progress
N.N., Russian Academy of Sciences
14 June 1999
7.00 p.m., Town Hall RECEPTION
given by the Mayor and Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
15 June 1999
9.00 a.m., Hall 6 Plenary Session
Rapporteurs/Chairmen Summary of Results / What Do We Still Need to Learn?
11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
N.N. (Science Fiction Author) Europe in the 21st Century
Alpo Kuparinen Further Steps Towards European Forward Thinking
1.00 p.m. END of the CONFERENCE
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