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07/16/2021 11:03

Resource conservation: Manufacturing & Remanufacturing Technology research group explains how it is possible

Brigitte Kohlberg Pressestelle
Universität Bayreuth

    The University of Bayreuth established the Manufacturing & Remanufacturing research group ("LUP") 20 years ago. It was thus a pioneer in the emerging research field of the circular economy. Today, twenty years later, sustainability, climate protection, and efficient use of resources pose new, no less exciting challenges for the manufacturing industry, and the team led by Prof. Frank Döpper is offering smart solutions to these challenges. In the LUP anniversary webinar "Resource conservation and circular economy in the 21st century: Insights from research and industry", experts from science and industry will be presenting some of their solutions.

    In 2001, the year the research group was founded, environmental technology still regarded itself as an afterthought. There were passionate discussions about mountains of waste. While society and industry were only asking "What should we do with the waste?", the LUP founders had long since been pursuing "refabrication"and a preventive research approach. Considering recycling and disposal right at the time of a product's manufacture was something completely new in 2001. At that time, the University of Bayreuth was already focusing on interdisciplinary research and innovation, as well as on knowledge transfer to industry.

    The added value for society, companies, and LUP's cooperation partners is will now be highlighted in a webinar with short talks from a research perspective and reports on the experiences of industry professionals and researchers. Questions can be asked at the end of each topic block. Interested members of the public and representatives of the media are cordially invited to join.

    Time and place: 29 July 2021, 3:00 – 4:15 p.m., online (via Zoom)

    Participation fee: free of charge


    Once you have registered, you will receive an e-mail with a link to access the webinar.

    For more information on the LUP research group, visit

    If you would like to report in more detail on sustainability in production, circular economy, or additive innovations, please contact


    3:00 p.m.
    Welcome address by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Döpper
    Wo steht der LUP aktuell und wohin wird die Reise gehen? (“Where does the LUP currently stand and where is it heading?”)

    3:10 p.m.
    Greeting by the University President Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible
    20 Jahre LUP am Campus der Perspektiven (“20 years of LUP at the Campus of Perspectives”)

    3:20 p.m.
    Produktkreisläufe reduzieren unseren CO2-Fußabdruck (“Product cycles reduce our CO2 footprint”)
    Jan Koller (LUP) and Lars Hähnlein (BORG Automotive A/S)
    Closing product loops is central to sustainability and resource efficiency. For this purpose, remanufacturing opens up the reuse of products and components in new products of corresponding performance and warranty. The ecological and economic benefits are convincing for companies as well as for consumers. What are the challenges to be overcome?

    3:35 p.m.
    Ressourcenschonung durch Data Science und Digitalisierung (“Resource conservation through data science and digitization”)
    Markus Friedrich (LUP) and Dominik Bittner (Siemens AG)
    Data is essential for digitalisation. For small and medium-sized enterprises in particular, they often hold undiscovered treasures for increasing value creation and conserving resources. How can these potentials be cleverly tapped in manufacturing companies with data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning?

    3:50 p.m.
    Additive Fertigung/3D-Druck – wie innovative Produkte die Nachhaltigkeit steigern (“Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing - How Innovative Products Increase Sustainability”)
    Christian Bay (LUP) and Dr. Christian Neuber (PPprint GmbH)
    Additive manufacturing/3D printing is on everyone's lips. It allows individual implants, optimized machine spare parts, sophisticated architectures, and much more. But how can additive manufacturing increase ecological and economic sustainability? Experience how the potentials can also be tapped for small and medium-sized enterprises.

    4:05 p.m.
    Summary Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Döpper

    4:15 p.m.

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Döpper
    Manufacturing & Remanufacturing Technology
    Director of Fraunhofer Project Group Process Innovation
    University of Bayreuth
    Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 78516-100


    Criteria of this press release:
    Economics / business administration, Electrical engineering, Energy, Environment / ecology, Mechanical engineering
    transregional, national
    Advanced scientific education, Transfer of Science or Research



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