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08/04/2021 17:18

Heroes in Additive Manufacturing: new project “Superman” launched at Fraunhofer IFAM in Dresden

Cornelia Müller, Fraunhofer IFAM Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM

    The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM in Dresden has launched a new project called “Innovative sinterable nickel-based superal-loy paste for the additive manufacturing of functional metallic components with the new MoldJet® process”, short “Superman”.

    With its partners Tritone Technologies and MIMplus Technologies GmbH & Ko. KG, the institute has come together in the first joint public project on the MoldJet® process. Since 1 May 2021, the partners are working on the development of a new paste with a high-temperature alloy for the new MoldJet® process. They are focusing on a nickel-based alloy. The main motivation is to make this complex material fit for new design approaches which cannot be realized with conventional processes.
    MoldJet® is distinguished by its flexibility in component dimensions and design. Thus, cost-effectively manufactured nickel-based alloy components with geometrical freedom in flexible component quantities will become possible.
    The outcome of the project is relevant for a broad variety of industry sectors, particularly aerospace, energy technology, electrical engineering, medical technology, automotive as well as other branches of industry such as the chemical industry or oil and gas produc-tion.
    “Superman” is part of a Eureka Call („13th German - Israeli Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects“). On the German side, it is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.
    As the first European user, Fraunhofer IFAM in Dresden has installed its MoldJet® sys-tem at ICAM®, the Innovation Center Additive Manufacturing, in early 2021. Here, Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden brings together its wide range of additive manufacturing pro-cesses and develops new solutions for materials and component geometries. In addition to the MoldJet® process, customers can benefit from the possibilities of Selective Elec-tron Beam Melting, 3D Screen Printing, metal-based Fused Filament Fabrication as well as Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing and gel casting.

    Contact for scientific information:

    Dipl.-Ing. Robert Teuber

    More information:


    MoldJet® system at Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
    MoldJet® system at Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden

    Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden

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