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10/26/2021 09:29

COP26: The IASS at the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow

Sabine Letz Presse und Kommunikation
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.

    From October 31 to November 12, 2021, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (#COP26) in Glasgow will work on the further implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) will be present with experts on site or researchers will contribute at virtual events. The IASS is also present again with a Reflection and Dialogue Space, which aims to improve the communication culture of the COP through engaging exchange and mutual learning.

    With Carolin Fraude & Team IASS
    31.10.2021 - 13.11.2021
    Co-Creative Reflection & Dialogue Space (CCRDS)

    The CCRDS is part of a transdisciplinary research project of the IASS in cooperation with the University of Lund, the University of Freiburg, and the University of East Anglia, which takes the communication culture at the UN Climate Conference as an opportunity to investigate potentials for transformative climate communication and possibilities for changing formats and frameworks at the COP.

    With Mark Lawrence
    09.11.2021, 18:00 to 20:00 GMT, “Action Room 2” in Area “B (closed Event)
    Purpose of the CCAC Ministerial

    The Climate & Clean Air Ministerial serves as the highest level of the Climate Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). The meeting will bring together CCAC Ministers and heads of partner organizations to step up ambition and action to address climate and clean air issues – with a special focus on methane. Ministers will be encouraged to share highlights of action to reduce SLCPs, call for support for action, and/or announce pledges to the CCAC Trust Fund. The meeting will formally adopt the full 2030 Strategy, the revised CCAC Framework and launch the CCAC Hubs. It will also launch the CCAC Methane Flagship. The CCAC Methane Flagship will help achieve these reductions by engaging and mobilizing CCAC partners and other key actors to take steps to reduce methane emissions.

    With Team COBENEFITS, IASS & NewClimate, UNFCCC Side Event
    10.11.2021, 16:45-18:00 CET, Lomond Auditorium.
    Raising the bar for climate action: New insights on how co-benefits can fuel NDC ambition

    Implementing development-focused NDCs is key to achieving national climate goals. New tools to assess co-benefits of mitigation actions can support ambitious sectoral pathways. This event will present country experiences, using Kenya as an example, and launch the NDC Update Report and Co-Benefits Factsheet series.
    The COP26 Side-Events

    With Affiliate Scholar Nicole de Paula, IASS & Women Leaders for Planetary Health.
    01.11.2021, 14:00 - 15:00 CET, EU Pavillion
    Climate change and health in Europe: Knowledge development and sharing efforts

    Tackling climate change impacts on health requires solid knowledge and evidence-based, equity-oriented solutions in both adaptation and mitigation.

    With Barbara Olfe-Kräutlein, IASS
    01.11.2021, 19:00 - 20:00 CET, Online
    Achieving our Sustainable Development Goals through an integrated approach to carbon management

    Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and 1.5°C pathways requires large-scale mitigation and negative CO2 emissions. A flexible approach is needed to achieve this, with nature-based solutions such as peatland rewetting, CO2 capture from industrial sources with safe geological storage, and long-term storage in raw materials such as building materials playing an important role. Recycling can add value and help realize the economic, environmental and social potential of CO2 removal.

    With Laima Eicke, IASS
    02.11.2021, 9:00-13:00 EST, Virtual COP 26 European Union Side Event
    Shifting public support and policy toward a clean and equitable energy transition in the Global South

    This COP 26 side event explores the potential for a fossil-free, clean, and just development pathway in the Global South. Drawing on findings from research conducted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, the event will look at the opportunities related to investments in clean energy uses in low- and middle-income countries, as opposed to continued public support to fossil fuels, and highlight key principles for a fair and equitable implementation of such policies and support. A panel of speakers from governments, development banks, and civil society will bring their perspectives on the type of support, international cooperation, and policy settings needed to implement this vision.

    With Laura Nagel, COBENEFITS, IASS.
    11.11.2021, 19:00-20:00 CET, EU Pavilion
    Energy Transition – Compassionate leadership towards a sustainable world

    Our future urgently requires compelling approaches to positive change and a global energy transition to net-zero emissions, including a bottom-up approach that engages all citizens. Part of the challenge is to foster people-centered leadership so that no one is left behind in this transformation process. The panel discussion will feature active faith leaders and young people. Featuring a keynote by Laura
    Nagel of IASS Team COBENEFITS on "Social and Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy and Climate Action."

    Contact for scientific information:

    Dr. Kathleen A. Mar
    Wissenschaftliche Leiterin
    +49 331 28822 366

    Original publication:

    Carolin Fraude, Thomas Bruhn, Dorota Stasiak, Christine Wamsler, Kathleen Mar,
    Niko Schäpke, Heike Schroeder and Mark Lawrence: Creating space for reflection and dialogue. Examples of new modes of communication for empowering climate action, GAIA 30/3 (2021): 174 – 180.

    More information:


    Criteria of this press release:
    Journalists, Scientists and scholars, Students, Teachers and pupils
    Environment / ecology, Oceanology / climate, Politics, Social studies
    transregional, national
    Press events, Transfer of Science or Research



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