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01/18/2024 16:32

MBA Innovations-Management – now as an English-language distance learning program

Ulrike Cron Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund - zfh

    Interested prospective students can apply for the summer semester 2024

    In cooperation with the zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund, Hochschule Kaiserslautern (University of Applied Sciences) is offering the part-time MBA distance learning course in Innovation Management in an English-only version for the first time in the coming summer semester 2024. Anyone interested can now apply to the zfh: .

    The human being at the centre of successful innovation management
    The MBA course is aimed at professionals from all industries and professional fields who wish to prepare themselves for the management of innovative products, services, business models and organizations. The English-language version of the course qualifies you for an international environment in particular.

    In the distance learning course MBA Innovations-Management, students learn about innovation strategies and management principles that focus on people. In the transformation of companies and workforces to new forms of cooperation in the working world of the future, it is essential to deal with people as part of an organization that promotes innovation. The course provides students with answers to questions such as how employees in agile companies learn, how they develop, collaborate and get involved. At the same time, they learn various creativity techniques for generating innovative ideas and concepts and much more.

    Four semesters to achieve
    The course at Hochschule Kaiserslautern (University of Applied Sciences) is designed for a compact four semesters - a manageable period for working students who graduate with an internationally recognized MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree. The highlight of the fourth semester is a four-day Master's thesis seminar abroad. Here, students attend international conferences on forward-looking topics and have the opportunity to establish their first international networks.

    Study anytime and anywhere
    Independent of time and place, the modular course follows the approach of hybrid learning, a mixture of self-study alternating with online/attendance components on three weekends per semester. Here, the knowledge acquired in self-study is deepened in small groups. The media mix of written documents, online learning units, digital learning aids on a learning platform and online face-to-face seminars ensure successful learning..

    Those who wish to learn more can log in to the online information event via Zoom on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 at 05.00 pm:

    Further Links:

    About the zfh
    The zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund forms the zfh-Hochschulverbund together with 21 state universities of applied sciences. The zfh is an academic institution of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate based in Koblenz and is based on a state treaty ratified in 1998 by the states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Saarland. In addition to the 15 universities of applied sciences in these three federal states, other universities of applied sciences from Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein have joined the network. The zfh's experienced team promotes and supports the universities of applied sciences in the development and implementation of their distance learning programmes. With a repertoire of over 100 part-time distance learning programmes in economics, technical/natural sciences and social sciences, the zfh network is the largest provider of distance learning programmes at universities with accredited degrees in Germany. All zfh distance learning courses leading to a Bachelor's or Master's degree are certified by the accreditation agencies ACQUIN, AHPGS, ASIIN, AQAS, FIBAA and ZEvA and are therefore internationally recognised. In addition to the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, there is also an extensive range of continuing education modules with a university certificate. Over 6,000 distance learning students are currently enrolled at the universities in the zfh network.

    Editorial contact:
    zfh - Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund
    Ulrike Cron
    Press and Public Relations
    Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
    56075 Koblenz
    Phone: +49 261/91538-24, Fax: +49 261/91538-724


    Distance Learning Programm Innovations-Management MBA
    Distance Learning Programm Innovations-Management MBA
    Hochschule Kaiserslautern
    Hochschule Kaiserslautern

    Criteria of this press release:
    Journalists, all interested persons
    Cultural sciences, Economics / business administration, Teaching / education
    transregional, national
    Advanced scientific education, Studies and teaching



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