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02/02/2024 09:04

ISOE Lecture with Lisen Schultz from the Stockholm Resilience Centre: "Social ecology for decision-makers"

Melanie Neugart Wissenskommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung

    The earth is reaching its limits: In the Anthropocene, humans have changed the ecological foundations of life to such a fundamental extent that the planetary limits of several earth systems have been reached. The symptoms such as global warming, species extinction, and water scarcity are well known, but looking at the way we deal with the foundations of life we can see that a necessary trend reversal has not taken place. How can decision-makers be won over to sustainable solutions?

    Swedish sustainability researcher Lisen Schultz will explore this question in the ISOE Lecture 2024. Her lecture “Bringing ecology to decision-makers – a comparison of approaches” will be held on February 8, 2024 at Goethe University Frankfurt.

    In the winter term of 2023/24 ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research in Frankfurt am Main is continuing its annual “ISOE Lecture2. As part of this event that has been dedicated to current issues in sustainability research since 2012, a lecture will be held on February 8, 2024 at 6 pm in the Casino of Goethe University Frankfurt. The guest speaker will be Swedish scientist Lisen Schultz. She is an associate professor at Stockholm University and has been deputy director of the renowned Stockholm Resilience Centre since July 2023. In her presentation that will be held in English, the sustainability researcher will begin by recapitulating the development of human resource management.

    Humans have fundamentally changed the ecological foundations of life on planet Earth through their activities such as agriculture, forestry, urbanization, as well as energy and resource consumption. Industrial activities around the world have increasingly transformed the global ecosystem into a system that appears to be optimized for the production of specific goods and services such as fuels, food and fabric fibres. For many decades, this has certainly led to greater prosperity and health for many people. However, the natural foundations of life on earth have been strained beyond measure. Both the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Biodiversity Council (IPBES) are therefore calling for fundamental change, but to date it remains uncertain how this can be achieved.

    In this context, sustainability researcher Lisen Schultz asks the following question: How can the scientific findings necessary for change find their way into implementation? And related thereto she asks the question of how research findings can change practical development paths towards sustainability and regeneration? Lisen Schultz does research at the Stockholm Resilience Centre on topics like “Learning for sustainability” and “The co-production of knowledge”. In the ISOE lecture, she will present experimental ways in which influential actors can be reached for sustainable action. Here, Schultz will present examples and explain what lessons can be learnt when dealing with complex socio-ecological systems.

    About the ISOE Lecture

    The lecture organized by ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research that takes place each winter term, is dedicated to current issues in sustainability research and specific examples from science and research. The “ISOE Lecture Sustainable Science” aims to offer food for thought on how transitions to sustainable development can succeed and what role universities and science are playing in this context. This is particularly aimed at students and young scientists but also the interested general public.

    ISOE Lecture WS 2023/2024
    “Bringing ecology to decision-makers – a comparison of approaches”
    Lisen Schultz, Deputy Director Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden

    Date and time: 8 February 2024, 18:15 – 19:45
    Location: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend. Casino Room 1.811
    Organiser: ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research in cooperation with the Department of Industrial and Organisational Sociology, Environmental Sociology, FB 03, Goethe University
    Join the discussion: #ISOE_Lecture

    Contact for scientific information:

    PD Dr. Diana Hummel
    ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research
    Tel. +49 69 707 6919-33

    More information:


    Criteria of this press release:
    Journalists, all interested persons
    Environment / ecology, Politics, Social studies
    Miscellaneous scientific news/publications



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