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09/26/2024 15:40

New Rectorate Team Takes Office at the University of Stuttgart - Senate elects four Vice Rectors for the new Rectorate

Florian Krüger Stabsstelle Hochschulkommunikation
Universität Stuttgart

    On September 24, 2024, the Senate of the University of Stuttgart elected four Vice Rectors, following the recommendation of the incoming Rector, Professor Peter Middendorf. The term of office is three years. Starting October 1, the newly elected members will join the Rectorate, which already includes the Chancellor, the Vice Rector for Information Technology, and the Rector.

    Professor Manfred Bischoff from the Institute for Structural Mechanics has been elected Vice Rector for Research and Sustainable Development. He was also a member of the previous rectorate. The new Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education will be the former Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Professor Michael-Jörg Oesterle from the Institute of Business Administration. Professor Judith Tonhauser from the Institute of Linguistics will become Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity. Professor Alexander Brem from the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science was elected Vice Rector for Science Transfer and International Affairs.

    New orientation of the university management

    The newly appointed Rector of the University of Stuttgart, Professor Peter Middendorf, expressed his delight that his Rectorate team is now complete and ready to begin work on October 1: “I am absolutely convinced that with this Rectorate, we are ideally positioned to successfully tackle the challenges ahead of us in research, teaching, continuing education, and science transfer. Additionally, we will address important interdisciplinary issues such as sustainability, internationalization, diversity, and the promotion of early career researchers. The new departmental allocations reflect the priorities we aim to focus on in the coming years. I am grateful to my colleagues for their willingness to take on these responsibilities, and I appreciate the senate's support in approving my proposal. Together with the faculties, central institutions, administration, and of course, the student body, we will work together to successfully lead the University of Stuttgart into the future.

    The long-serving Rector of the University of Stuttgart, Professor Wolfram Ressel, extended his congratulations to the newly elected members of the Rectorate. He expressed special thanks to Professor Frank Gießelmann and Professor Silke Wieprecht, his departing colleagues from the Rectorate team, for their exceptional commitment and achievements.

    Following the election, the newly appointed Vice Rectors discussed their goals for the upcoming term.

    Vice Rectorate for Research and Sustainable Development

    Prof. Manfred Bischoff stated, "At first glance, the current competition for excellence serves as my primary motivation to pursue a second term as Vice Rector for Research, allowing us to strike a balance between renewal and continuity within the Rectorate. However, I would also like to emphasize that there must be—and will be—activities beyond the Excellence Strategy to support and guide our researchers, particularly on the Stuttgart Way of interdisciplinary collaboration. Integrating sustainability into the new structure of the Vice Rectorate is a natural progression from my previous role as Sustainability Officer. Advancing sustainable development in both research and all areas of activity at the University of Stuttgart, along with implementing a detailed sustainability strategy, will be among our key priorities over the next three years.

    Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Continuing Education

    Prof. Michael-Jörg Oesterle emphasized: “Teaching and continuing education are passions of mine. As a student and on my journey to becoming a university lecturer, I personally experienced the motivation and significance of excellent teaching and continuing education. Excellent teaching and continuing education are also essential for social, technical and economic development and, together with research, form the foundation of every university. For our university in particular, which is committed to research-based learning, high-quality teaching and continuing education means being able to attract and retain more students to their alma mater and thus make a contribution to its own future viability. To achieve this, we must also focus on enhancing study conditions and wellbeing at the University of Stuttgart. I look forward to working together with all members of the university to implement these goals."

    Vice Rectorate for Early Career Researchers and Diversity

    Prof. Judith Tonhauser stated, "I look forward to embracing the tasks and challenges of the Vice Rectorate for Early Career Researchers and Diversity. Supporting early career researchers is one of our university's most valuable strengths. That is why we need to establish and expand structures that make our university even more attractive to early career researchers. This will ensure that we remain competitive both nationally and internationally. Our strength as a research university is also enriched by the diversity of the individuals who work, study, and conduct research at the University of Stuttgart. We are committed to fostering this diversity, standing firm against discrimination, and striving every day to ensure equal opportunities."

    Vice Rectorate for Science Transfer and International Affairs

    Prof. Alexander Brem said, "I am deeply honored that the Senate of the University of Stuttgart has placed its trust in me. In my new role as Vice Rector for Science Transfer and Internationalization, I look forward to using my expertise, particularly my research focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. Building on the established 'Stuttgart Way,' I see significant potential to enhance the international visibility and appeal of our university in a sustainable manner. I am very much looking forward to working with the new Rectorate team and am convinced that together we will continue to advance the University of Stuttgart with dedication and assurance."


    F.l.t.r: Prof. Manfred Bischoff, Prof. Judith Tonhauser, Prof. Peter Middendorf, Prof. Michael-Jörg Oesterle. Not to be seen in the picture: Prof. Alexander Brem.
    F.l.t.r: Prof. Manfred Bischoff, Prof. Judith Tonhauser, Prof. Peter Middendorf, Prof. Michael-Jörg ...
    Florian Gerlach
    University of Stuttgart / Florian Gerlach

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