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The University of Bayreuth has been ranked first among Germany’s mid-sized institutions in the latest ranking of the most entrepreneurial higher education institutions (Gründungsradar 2025 conducted by the Stifterverband). The university had placed in the top group for the past several years. This marks a success story that has been consistently supported by Germany’s federal government, the State of Bavaria, and the University Governing Board since 2015.
"We are absolutely delighted and extremely grateful for this award. Above all, we would like to thank the State of Bavaria for its strong and innovation-focused support. This also honours the colleagues who have been tirelessly advancing this topic here and making the University of Bayreuth a little more entrepreneurial every day. In the future, we will continue to do everything we can to expand our outstanding offers and services. The construction of our new Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, along with the Regional Start-up and Innovation Centre of the city and district of Bayreuth in a central location on campus, will provide another boost and take our transfer structures to the next level," says University President Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible.
Bavaria’s Minister of Science, Markus Blume, congratulates: “At the University of Bayreuth, ‘idea in Bayreuth’ becomes ‘made in Bayreuth’! Congratulations on achieving first place in Germany’s most important ranking for start-ups and entrepreneurship – a well-deserved recognition. In Bayreuth, top-quality teaching and entrepreneurial spirit go hand in hand. With great dedication, the university has sharpened its profile in start-ups and entrepreneurship, igniting a true founder’s spirit among students and laying the foundation for turning scientific knowledge into value creation. That is fantastic.”
"Founding and transfer topics are of strategic importance at the University of Bayreuth. That's why we have accompanied numerous start-ups in recent years and thus made an important contribution to transformation and competitiveness in business and society. Committed students and researchers work together on our campus on solutions to current and future challenges and develop the necessary skills to become self-employed," emphasizes Vice President for Digitalization, Innovation & Sustainability Prof. Dr. Susanne Tittlbach.
In Bayreuth, students and researchers from all disciplines find the best conditions for innovative start-ups. Teaching formats, innovation projects, and programmes have been continuously expanded. The Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and the establishment of technological competence labs gives students and researchers in Bayreuth an entrepreneurial ecosystem that accompanies them through all phases of starting and growing a business. In particular, the close integration of research, teaching, and transfer – even across faculty boundaries – helps to tap the existing innovation and founding potential.
Numerous events and courses promote entrepreneurial spirit and innovation skills, and a close integration of start-ups with students and researchers has been established. For this reason, Bayreuth's start-ups pass on experiences directly and continually find connections to other interested founders.
In addition to founding support activities, current externally funded projects and the strategic development of transfer will involve regional economic partners even more strongly in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the future. Through close cooperation, not only will further innovative start-ups be promoted, but existing companies in the region will also be supported in upcoming transformation processes.
The city and district of Bayreuth have set the course for ensuring that successful start-ups can remain in the region and that local businesses can drive innovation together with the university directly on campus (Industry on Campus) through their forward-thinking and bold decision on the Regional Innovation Centre, supported by the Bavarian State Government.
"I would like to thank everyone involved, and in particular District President Florian Luderschmid as well as our Board of Trustees Chairman and Honorary Senator Heribert Trunk, who have dedicated themselves with great passion to this crucial development for the region," says University President Leible. "This will help us secure this top position in the Stifterverband ranking for the long-term benefit of the entire region."
Information on the Gründungsradar 2025 (7th edition): The Stifterverband categorizes higher education institutions into three sizes ("large" means over 15,000, "medium-sized" 5,000 - 15,000, and "small" under 5,000 students). The ranking evaluates institutions in seven different categories: founding integration, sensitization, qualification, support, activities, monitoring & evaluation, and networking.
The University of Bayreuth improved its overall score from 54.4 to 57.4 points in the latest ranking, placing it first nationwide out of 65 in the category of "medium-sized institutions" (5,000 to 15,000 students). In the components of founding integration, support, and monitoring & evaluation, Bayreuth achieved the maximum score (10 out of 10). Improvements were made in all areas where a full score was not yet achieved. The most progress was made in the areas of founding activities (from 6.4 to 7.9) and networking (from 9.0 to 9.8). The number and quality of founding cases have increased significantly.
Dr. Petra Beermann
Director Transfer and Innovation of the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4720
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