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07/04/2001 16:17

Memorandum of European scientists to urge President Bush to re-consider his decision on the Kyoto Pr

Gerhard Samulat Pressestelle
Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI)

    Morgen überreicht Professor Eberhard Jochem, Vice-Chair des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin ein Memorandum. Es wurde von mehr als 100 renommierten, europäischen Wissenschaftlern aus über ein Dutzend Nationen unterzeichnet. Sie fordern Präsident Bush auf, seine Entscheidung zu überdenken, das Kyoto-Protokoll nicht zu ratifizieren.

    Berlin, 5th July 2001

    Memorandum of European scientists to urge
    President Bush to re-consider his decision on the Kyoto Protocol

    English text:
    On Thursday the 5th July, at 10:15 a.m., Professor Eberhard Jochem, German member and Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), hands over a memorandum to the embassy of the United States in Berlin. The memorandum is signed by more than 100 concerned experts of climate research from more than a dozen European countries. The international scientists urge President Bush to re-consider his decision not to recommend ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Please see the following pages for the full text of the memo-randum and the list of people signed.

    Deutscher Text:
    Am Donnerstag Vormittag, den 5. Juli 2001, 10:15 Uhr, überreicht Professor Eberhard Jochem der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin ein Memorandum, das an US-Präsident Bush gerichtet ist. Jochem ist Vice-Chair des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), einer interdisziplinären Organisation, welche die Klimaveränderungen und ihre Auswirkungen wissenschaftlich untersucht. Das Memorandum wurde von mehr als 100 renommierten, europäischen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus über ein Dutzend Nationen unterzeichnet. Sie fordern Präsident Bush auf, seine Entscheidung zu über-denken, das Kyoto-Protokoll nicht zu ratifizieren. Den Wortlaut des Memorandums sowie die Liste der Unterzeichner finden Sie im An-hang zu diesem Schreiben.

    Contact Professor Dr. Eberhard Jochem
    Tel.: Swiss: +41 1 632 06 48
    Germany: +49 721 68 09 169
    e-mail: Swiss: or

    Prof. Dr. Eberhard Jochem,
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH); Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE) Zürich, Switzerland
    Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Germany


    Prof. Dr. Karl Aiginger
    Austrian Institute of Economic Research
    University of Linz, Dep. of Economics

    Prof. Dr. Thomas Amon
    University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of Agricultural, Environmental
    and Energy Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Josef Boxberger
    University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of Agricultural, Environmental
    and Energy Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Georg Grabher
    University of Vienna, Institute of Ecology and Nature Protection

    Prof. Dr. Reinhard Haas
    Vienna University of Technology, Dep. of Energy Economics

    Dr. Michael Hantel
    University of Vienna, Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics

    Prof. Dr. Manfred Heindler
    Technical University of Graz, Dep. of Plasma Physics

    Prof. Dr. Marcus F. Hofreither
    University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of Economy, Politics and Law

    Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kirchengast
    University of Graz, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics

    Prof. Dr. Hermann Knoflacher
    Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb
    University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of Meteorology and Physics

    Prof. Dr. Michael Kuhn
    University of Innsbruck, Dep. of Meteorology and Geophysics

    Prof. Dr. Reinhold W. Lang
    University of Leoben, Institute of Materials Science and Testing of Plastics

    Prof. Dr. Volkmar Lauber
    University of Salzburg, Institute of Political Science

    Dr. Roland Mestel
    University of Graz, Institute for Banking and Finance

    Prof. Dr. Rudolf Pischinger
    Technical University of Graz, Institute for Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics

    Dr. Bernhard Schlamadinger
    Joanneum Research, Graz, Institute of Energy Research

    Prof. Dr. Stefan Schleicher
    President of the Austrian Council on Climate Change
    University of Graz, Institute for Political Economy and National Economy Politics

    Prof. Dr. Heinz Strebel
    University of Graz, Institute of Innovation Research and Environmental Management

    Prof. Dr. Erich Schwarz
    University of Klagenfurt, Dep. of Banking and Finance

    Prof. Dr. Michael Winkler
    Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Analytical

    Dr. Norbert Wohlgemuth
    University of Klagenfurt, Institute for Macroeconomics and Politics


    Prof. Hugo Decleir
    Free University of Brussels, Department of Geography

    Dr. Philippe Huybrechts
    Free University of Brussels, Department of Geography

    Henry Tulkens
    Secretary of the European Economic Association (EEA)
    Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE)
    Catholique University of Louvain, Professor of Economics of Public Finance

    Prof. Aviel Verbruggen
    Senior Advisor to the Minister of Environment in Flanders
    University of Antwerp, Dep. for Technology, Energy & Environment


    Prof. Dr. Bennert Machenhauer
    Danish Meteorological Institute, Climate Research Division

    Prof. Dr. Niels I. Meyer
    Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Dep. of Civil Engineering

    Dr. John M. Christensen
    Director of the UNEP Center on Energy and Environment, Denmark
    Riso National Laboratory

    Dr. Kirsten Haelsnaes
    Riso National Laboratory
    UNEP Center on Energy and Environment, Denmark


    Prof. Dr. Gérard Mégie,
    President of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
    University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris

    Dr Jean-Claude André,
    Ingénieur Général of Meteorology, Director of CERFACS,
    Europan Centre of Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Calculation, Toulouse

    Prof. Dr Patrick Blandin
    National Museum of Natural History, Paris
    Ecologist, Director of the "Grande Galerie"on Evolution

    Prof. Dr Christian Brodhag
    Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de St Etienne
    Former President of the French Commission for Sustainable Development

    Dr. Patrick Criqui
    CNRS, Institute of Energy Economics and Policy, University of Grenoble

    Dr. Benjamin Dessus,
    CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
    Director of ECODEV Programme
    President of "Global chance" NGO

    Dr. Dominique Finon
    CNRS, Institute of Energy Economics and Policy, University of Grenoble

    Prof. Dr. Pierre-Noël Giraud
    Ecole Superieure des Mines, Paris
    Director of Centre of Industrial Economics

    Prof. Dr. Olivier Godard
    CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
    Laboratory of Econometrics at the Ecole Polytechnique

    Prof. Dr. Jean-Charles Hourcade
    CIRED International Research Center on Environment and Development, Paris

    Dr Jean Jouzel
    CEA Commissariat of Atomic Energy, Saclay

    Dr. Michel Petit, Director of Research
    Former Director of Research at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris

    Prof. Dr. Dominique Raynaud
    CNRS : University of Grenoble, Laboratory of Glaciology and Geophysics of the Environment

    Dr. Robert Sadourny
    CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, Laboratory of Meteorology at the Ecole Polytechnique

    Dr. Hervé Le Treut, Director of Research
    CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
    Laboratory of Meteorology Dynamics, LMD
    Ecole Normale Supérieure, ENS.


    Prof. Dr. Joseph Alcamo
    University of Kassel
    Director Center for Environmental Systems Research

    Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Ewers, President
    Technical University of Berlin

    Prof. Dr. Herbert Fischer
    University of Karlsruhe / Karlsruhe Research Center, Institute for Meteorology and Climate

    Prof. Dr. Hartmut Graßl, Director
    Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg

    Prof. Dr. Klaus Hasselmann
    Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg

    Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke, Acting President
    Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

    Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer
    University of Flensburg, Dep. of Economy, Energy and Resources

    Prof. Dr. Paul Klemmer, Director
    Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research (RWI), Essen

    Prof. Dr. Helmar Krupp
    Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe

    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Pfaffenberger
    Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Institute for Political Economy

    Prof. Dr. Colin Prentice, Director
    Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena

    Prof. Dr. Eckard Rehbinder
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main

    Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn
    Academy for Technology Assessment, Stuttgart
    Technical University Stuttgart

    Prof. Dr. Werner Rothengatter
    University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Economic Policy and Economic Research

    Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, Director
    Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    Prof. Dr. Dieter Schmitt
    University of Essen, Dep. of Energy Economics

    Prof. Dr. Christian-D. Schönwiese
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics,
    Dep. Geosciences/Geography

    Prof. Dr. Udo Simonis
    Social Science Research Center Berlin, Berlin, Research Professorship Environmental Policy

    Prof. Heinrich W. Ursprung
    University of Konstanz, Dep. of Economics
    Editor European Journal of Political Economy

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-J. Wagner
    University of Essen, Institute of Energy Economics and Environment

    Prof. Dr. U. Wagner
    Technical University of Munich, Dep. for Energy Industry and Application Technology

    Prof. Dr. Werner Wehry
    Free University of Berlin, Institute of Meteorology
    President of the German Meteorological Society

    Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ulrich v. Weizsäcker, Founding President
    Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment Energy
    Member of the German Bundestag


    Prof. Dr. Pantelis Capros
    Technical University of Athens, Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering


    Prof. Dr. Tamás Jászay
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
    Dep. of Energy

    Prof. Erno Meszaros
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
    Science University of Veszprem, Dep. of Environmental Sciences

    Prof. Laszlo Somlyody
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, President Section of Technical Sciences

    Prof. Imre Szebenyi D. Sc.
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dep. of Chemical Technology

    Prof. Georg Varalljay
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Institute for Soil Sciences


    Prof. Edgaro Curcio
    President of the Italian Association of Energy Economists (AIEE), Rom

    Dr. Alessandro Lanza
    Director of research for the ENI "Enrico Mattei", Milan

    Dr. Andrea Ricci
    Director of Institute of Studies for System Integrationns (ISIS), Rom

    The Netherlands

    Prof. Dr. Kornelis Blok
    University of Utrecht, Dep. of Science, Technology and Society

    Dr. Wouter van Dieren
    IMSA Amsterdam, Environmental Consult and Innovation Institute for Environment
    and Systems Analysis

    Prof. Dr. C. J. Jepma
    University of Groningen / University of Amsterdam / Open University of the Netherlands,
    Dep. of Economics

    Prof. Dr. Wim Turkenburg
    University of Utrecht, Dep. of Science, Technology and Society

    Prof. Dr. Pier Vellinga
    Free University Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Sciences


    Dr. Anna Grzybek
    Institute for Building, Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Warsaw

    Prof. Adam Gula
    University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Faculty of Fuels and Energy
    Director of the Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency, Krakow

    Prof. Piotr Kowalik
    Polytechnical University of Gdansk

    Prof. Stanislaw Mierzwinski
    Silesian Technical University Gliwice, Faculty of Environmental Energy Engineering

    Dr. Aleksander Panek
    Warsaw University of Technology

    Prof. Janusz Piechocki
    University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn

    Prof. Maciej J. Sadowski
    The Polish Executive Office for the Climate Convention, Warsaw


    Prof. Álvaro Martins Monteiro
    Technical University of Lisbon, Dep. of Economy and Energy of Transport and Environment (CEEETA)

    Prof. Júlia Seixas
    New University of Lisbon, Dep. of Environmental Systems Analysis

    Dr. Manuel Fernandes
    Technical University of Lisbon, Dep. of Economy and Energy of Transport and Environment (CEEETA)

    Eng. Carlos Piment
    Technical University of Lisbon, Dep. of Economy and Energy of Transport and Environment (CEEETA)
    Former Secretary of State for Environment


    Dr. Igor A. Bashmakov, Executive Director
    Center for Energy Efficiency (CENEf), Moscow

    Dr. Lydia Popova, Program Director
    Socio-Ecological Union, Moscow, Nuclear Ecology Program


    Prof. Dr. Christian Azar
    Chalmers University of Technology
    Göteborg University, Institute of Physical Resource Theory

    Prof. Alf Hornborg
    Lund University, Human Ecology Division

    Prof. Dr. Thomas Johansson, Programme Director
    UNDP United Nations Development Programme, Energy and Atmosphere Programme

    Prof. Dr. Eva Selin Lindgren
    Göteborg University, Dep. of Environmental Physics

    Prof. Dr. Lars Nilson
    Lund University, Lund Dep. of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies

    Prof. Dr. Uno Svedin
    University of Linköping, Dep. of Water and Environmental Studies


    Prof. Dr. Brigitta Amman
    University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Martin Beniston
    University of Fribourg, Dep. of Geosciences

    Prof. Dr. Beat Bürgenmeier
    University of Genf, Faculty of Economic and Social Science

    Prof. Dr. Meinrad K. Eberle, Director
    Paul Scherrer Insitute (PSI), Villingen, Switzerland

    Prof. Dr. Daniel Favrat
    Swiss Federal Institute, Lausanne, Dep. of mechanical Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Wilfried Haeberli
    University of Zürich,
    Dep. of Geography

    Prof. Dr. Johannes Hunziker
    University of Lausanne, Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography

    Dr. Fortunat Joos
    University of Bern, Physics Institute

    Prof. Dr. Christian Körner
    University of Basel, Institute of Botany

    Prof. Dr. Michel Monbaron
    University of Fribourg, Institute of Geography

    Prof. Dr. Daniel Spreng
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE)

    Prof. Dr. Rudolf von Rohr
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Institute of Process Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Heinz Wanner
    University of Bern, Institute of Climatology and Meteorology

    Prof. Dr. Alexander Wokaun
    Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), General Energy Research
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

    United Kingdom

    Prof. Dr. John Chesshire
    University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU)

    Prof. Dr. Terry Barker
    University of Cambridge, Cambridge Econometrics

    Prof. Dr. Michael Grubb
    Imperial College Centre for Environmenatl Technology (ICCET),
    TH Huxley School of Environment, Earth Science and Engineering
    Editor in chief of Climate Policy


    Criteria of this press release:
    Biology, Electrical engineering, Energy, Environment / ecology, Law, Media and communication sciences, Oceanology / climate, Politics, Social studies
    transregional, national
    Organisational matters, Science policy



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