idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Nachrichten, Termine, Experten

Grafik: idw-Logo
Science Video Project

idw-News App:


Google Play Store


All member institutions may use for their press relations work in numerous ways:

Graphics: Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Informationsdienst Wissenschaft offers the platform for publishing and distributing press releases from science and research – and has a massive reach: the website records an average of more than 719,000 Unique Visits per month. Moreover, press releases are also distributed by e-mail to more than 45,000 interested parties (including 9,700 journalists world-wide). You can upload your own press release and categorize it according to the relevant subject areas and other attributes. All subscribers who have included these attributes in their subscriptions will subsequently receive your news item. Of course you can also impose a news embargo. In such cases only the journalists accredited with our service will receive your press release ahead of time. It will appear in the news ticker and in the e-mail subscriptions only after the news embargo has expired.

In addition to publishing press releases, you can also announce your events via idw. As with the press releases, you are invited to categorise the events yourself, and they will subsequently be e-mailed to subscribers.

All press releases and events are stored on the idw website and can be retrieved at any time via the search function or the advanced search function.

Furthermore, all member institutions are entitled to use the expert recruitment service to bring their experts together with (scientific) journalists. Via the expert agent, you will receive enquiries from journalists seeking a specialist in the course of their own research, e.g. for an interview or for a statement. The member institutions can enter their experts in the idw experts database and thus offer them as references to (accredited) journalists.

In the news app, your news will be found faster on iOS and Android mobile devices thanks to the new refined keywording.

In addition press offices can publish news as videos on our plattform.

Further information on idw membership.


Search / advanced search of the idw archives
Combination of search terms

You can combine search terms with and, or and/or not, e.g. Philo not logy.


You can use brackets to separate combinations from each other, e.g. (Philo not logy) or (Psycho and logy).


Coherent groups of words will be located as complete phrases if you put them into quotation marks, e.g. “Federal Republic of Germany”.

Selection criteria

You can also use the advanced search without entering search terms. It will then follow the criteria you have selected (e.g. country or subject area).

If you have not selected any criteria in a given category, the entire category will be searched (e.g. all subject areas or all countries).