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12.07.2008 - 17.07.2008 | Berlin

XX. International Congress of Genetics

The XX. International Congress of Genetics (ICG) will be held in Berlin
from July 12-17, 2008. The International Genetics Federation (IGF) has
elected the German Genetics Society (GfG) to organise the biggest
and most influential forum in the field of genetics worldwide.
After more than 80 years this prestigious genetics world congress
congregates in Germany again.

The XX. International Congress of Genetics (ICG) will be held in Berlin
from July 12-17, 2008. The International Genetics Federation (IGF) has
elected the German Genetics Society (GfG) to organise the biggest
and most influential forum in the field of genetics worldwide.
After more than 80 years this prestigious genetics world congress
congregates in Germany again. The ICG has taken place once
every five years in many major cities around the world. Next year, in
the German capital of Berlin, more than 300 of the most renowned
international geneticists will report on the latest insights in genomic
research. The lectures on the up-to-date status of research in the
field of genetics are expected eagerly by the experts.
In 2003, the Congress in Melbourne (Australia) celebrated the 50th
anniversary of the discovery of the DNA by James Watson and
Francis Crick. The 2008 event in Berlin will now showcase the entire
recent excitement derived from the new capabilities for rapid
genome sequencing, genome-wide functional analyses, and
associated computational genetics.
Congress President Prof. Rudi Balling, Scientific Director of the
Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Brunswick (Germany),
stresses the comprehensive spectrum of the scientific program: 10
plenary lectures, 54 symposia and numerous satellite activities will
review recent developments in functional genomics. The Congress
will cover leading edge genetic insight from microbes to man.
Human genetics, including the evolution of man, will feature
prominently in the scientific program. Biomedical translations, as well
as applications in biotechnology and agriculture, will also be
discussed in depth. Prof. Balling and the current GfG-President Prof.
Alfred Nordheim also encourage scientists participating in the
Congress to reflect on the impact of genetic research in today´s
Molecular genetic research established itself as one of the most
powerful driving forces for scientific progress in the life sciences.
Significant economic growth resulted from its use. Alfred Nordheim,
professor at the University of Tübingen (Germany) and Secretary
General of ICG 2008, is proud that the world Congress is to be held in
Germany: "We look forward to having elite scientists visit Berlin from
all over the world and we are aware of the historic significance for
both the German and the international genetics research
community. The German Genetics Society (GfG) expresses its
gratitude for the opportunity to host the XX. International Congress of
Genetics in 2008".
The history of the ICG is closely linked to William Bateson. The British
scientist is the founder of the term "genetics" and also of the ICG. At
the conference on hybridization of the Royal Horticultural Society
(RHS) 1899 in London, Bateson claimed new emphasis on the study of
discontinuous variations. Today, this statement is considered to be
the leading paper for the establishment of the International Congress
of Genetics. T. H. Morgan, who delineated the arrangement of
genes alongside chromosomes of the fruit fly Drosophila
melanogaster, acted as Congress President in 1932 when the ICG
was hosted in Ithaca (USA). Previously, in a historical announcement
at the occasion of the 5th ICG in Berlin (1927), H. H. Muller presented
the first evidence of X-ray mutagenesis.
The second announcement of the ICG 2008 (Berlin), which has now
been released, provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific
program, including the symposia topics, plenary lectures, names of
attending chair people and speakers. In addition, useful details
regarding registration, accommodation and ways of getting to and
around Berlin are provided.
Further information is available at:
Congress Secretariat (Accreditation for journalists):
K.I.T. GmbH Berlin
Association & Conference Management Group & Co. KG
Kurfürstendamm 71
10709 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-246 03-252
Fax: +49-30-246 03-253
Press Service:
Publishing is requested/ reprint free of charge
Please forward two copies of your publication to:
AVISO gesundheit
Reinhardstraße 2
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-2809 9879
Fax: +49-30-2787-5673
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:


12.07.2008 - 17.07.2008


ICC Berlin,
Messedamm 22
14055 Berlin


Journalisten, Wissenschaftler




Biologie, Chemie, Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Informationstechnik, Medizin





Michael Seifert


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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