Under the auspices of H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, Acting Head of State.
Brexit means British exit. The term describes the planned withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Two forms of Brexit can be distinguished: Soft Brexit means that the UK will stay in the Single Market; Hard (or Clean) Brexit means that it will also leave the Single Market. If the UK goes for Hard Brexit, it will on the one hand bank on regulatory competition and look for allies outside of Europe. At the same time, it will try to conclude a bespoke free trade agreement with the EU for goods and services. If the UK aims at Soft Brexit, the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) may come into focus. The EEA Agreement provides citizens and economic operators with access to the Single Market. However, since the common trade policy is not part of the agreement, the EFTA States retain their sovereignty to conclude free trade agreements with third countries. Most importantly, the EFTA countries Contracting Parties to the EEA Agreement have their own surveillance authority (ESA) and their own court (the EFTA Court).
Welcome & Introduction:
- Jürgen Brücker, President, University of Liechtenstein
- Aurelia Frick, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Culture, Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein
- Carl Baudenbacher, President of the EFTA Court
- Mads Andenæs, University of Oslo
- Pamela Buxton, Hogan Lovells International LLP, London
- Heribert Hirte, Member of the Bundestag, University of Hamburg
Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
28.03.2017 17:30 - 19:15
Universität Liechtenstein
9490 Vaduz
Journalisten, Wirtschaftsvertreter
Seminar / Workshop / Diskussion, Vortrag / Kolloquium / Vorlesung
Dipl.-Kult Simone Brandenberg
Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Veranstaltung ist kostenlos:
URL dieser Veranstaltung: http://idw-online.de/de/event56793
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