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06.11.2019 - 08.11.2019 | Magdeburg

8th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques - METT-VIII

This workshop is the eighth in a series of workshops on matrix equations and tensor techniques. The focus will be on the latest developments in the theory, computation and applications of linear and nonlinear matrix equations and tensor equations. We will extend our focus to sparsity and low rank structures, and to decay properties of matrices and tensors associated with these problems.

This workshop is the eighth in a series of workshops on matrix equations and tensor techniques and takes place at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg. As in the previous meetings, the focus will be on the latest developments in the theory, computation and applications of linear and nonlinear matrix equations and tensor equations.

In the spirit of the workshop, rooms for discussions will be available for the entire duration of the meeting.


The workshop will start on November 6th, 2019 at 14:00 and it will end on November 8th, 2019 at 13:00. On November 6th we will meet at the RIFF for a get-together in a pleasant atmosphere at night.

The poster session will take place on November 7th, 2019 in the afternoon together with a coffee break.

The social dinner is scheduled on November 7th, 2019 at the Wenzel Prager Bierstuben, that is located in the city center. The cost of the get-together & the social dinner is not included in the registration fee.

A more detailed program will be posted at the beginning of October 2019.


The registration fee amounts to 50€ and it includes 4 coffee breaks, and 2 lunch buffets (Thu. 07/11/2019 / Fri. 08/11/2019), as well as refreshment drinks.

Payment is expected in advance via bank transfer.

Abstract Submission

All the participants are invited to present their own work at the workshop by either a talk or a poster presentation. To this end, we ask you to submit a short abstract via the registration system by September 30th, 2019.

The length of the talks is set to 25 minutes, 20 mins for the presentation plus additional 5 mins for questions.

The poster session (Thu. 07/11/2019, afternoon) will last two hours and will start with a poster blitz, where all poster-presenters have two minutes each to give a brief overview of their posters. The use of pdf slides during the poster blitz is encouraged. Posters can be hung for the entire duration of the workshop at the descretion of the presenter.

Depending on the number of submitted talks/posters, we may ask some presenters to switch the nature of their presentation.
Important Dates

Deadline for submitting an abstract: 30/09/2019.

Deadline for registration: 11/10/2019.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
The registration fee amounts to 50€ and it includes 4 coffee breaks, and 2 lunch buffets (Thu. 07/11/2019 / Fri. 08/11/2019), as well as refreshment drinks.

Payment is expected in advance via bank transfer.

    Weitere Informationen:
  • http://8th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques - METT-VIII


06.11.2019 ab 14:00 - 08.11.2019 13:00




Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme

Sandtorstraße 1
39106 Magdeburg






Biologie, Chemie, Energie, Maschinenbau, Mathematik


Konferenz / Symposion / (Jahres-)Tagung, Seminar / Workshop / Diskussion




Gabriele Ebel M.A.


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit / Public Relations

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