The New Year Lecture 2022 will be delivered by Prof. Peter Simatei Tirop and is entitled "Ways of Knowing Africa: African Literature and Shifting Imaginaries".
The lecture will be preceded by a welcome address from Prof. Yacouba Banhoro and an introduction by Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo.
Abstract of the Lecture:
Starting from the position posited by the Africa Multiple, that Africa is, and always has been, constituted through its ever-changing relations, globally entangled and in flux, this lecture broaches the subject of the role that African literature has played and continues to play in the reconstitution of ways of knowing Africa and in the production of new conceptions of African subjectivities, African ways of life and modes of relations.
The lecture proceeds from the understanding that literature’s engagement in world-making involves the construction of fictional spaces that either contest the existing ones or are relational to them. The lecture also explores how African literature questions and transforms current relations of power—whether these relations are subsumed under such categories as gender, religion, ethnicity, nation, class, or race—to call alternative temporalities into being. The talk concludes by focusing on African diasporic writings and their production of political and cultural realities that contest and transform relations based on national rootedness and territorial logic as it visualizes diasporic imaginaries and new poetics of relation.
The Lecture is open to the public and may be attended via Zoom. The event will be held in English and is translated to International Sign Language.
Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
The lecture will be held on Zoom in English and is translated in International Sign Language
13.01.2022 16:30 - 18:00
Universität Bayreuth
Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Sprache / Literatur
Vortrag / Kolloquium / Vorlesung
Sabine Greiner
Exzellenzcluster „Africa Multiple“
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