Kühne Foundation Logistics Day brings together industry leaders and academics to discuss strategies and concrete actions to be taken along the way: What new technologies are available, how will they reshape business models and value chains, and what is the specific role of AI in this change process?
Top experts from KLU and prominent external guests will provide deep insights and inspire concrete actions for the coming transformation.
Session Outlines:
- Keynote I | Stefanie Rinderle-Ma: Conversational Process Modeling in Logistics
- A1 | Prof. Dr. Johannes Meuer (CSLS) meets Martin Jacobs, Director Business Development, Shipzero: Financing the transition towards sustainable logistics and supply chains
- B1| Prof. Dr. Sandra Transchel meets Sven Hennebach, Senior Manager, TOMRA Reuse: Designing Logistics Systems for Reusable Packaging
- A2 | Friedel Sehlleier meets Timo Landener, Sustainability Management Swisslog: Beyond freight decarbonization – logistics as a driving force for low carbon development
- B2 | Prof. Dr. Kai Hoberg meets Frank Vorrath, Vice President Supply Chain Services, Danfoss Climate Solutions: Future of Work in Supply Chains
- After Lunch Talk | Prof. Dr. Niels Van Quaquebeke: Your Bot Boss: On the Future of People Leadership with AI
- A3 | Pro. Dr. Maria Besiou (CHORD) Sean Rafter (HELP Logistics, Kuehne Foundation),
Stephen Cahill (UN World Food Programme, Representative and Country Director of Turkey) and Cormac O'Sullivan (Kuehne+Nagel, Global Director Emergency and Relief): Status quo and future of engagement of the private logistics sector into humanitarian supply chain management
- B3 | Prof. Dr. Henrik Leopold meets Dr. Dietmar Guhe, Vice President Cloud IT & Infrastructure, Arvato Supply Chain Solutions: Generative AI in Supply Chain Management
- Keynote II | Felix Creutzig: Transport and low-carbon urban planning: A new set of machine learning approaches
Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Register here: https://tms.aloom.de/kuehne-foundations-logistics-day-2024
19.04.2024 09:00 - 15:00
KLU Campus
Großer Grasbrook 17
20457 Hamburg
Journalisten, Wirtschaftsvertreter
Informationstechnik, Umwelt / Ökologie, Verkehr / Transport, Wirtschaft
Konferenz / Symposion / (Jahres-)Tagung, Seminar / Workshop / Diskussion, Vortrag / Kolloquium / Vorlesung
Lisa Wolf
PR Management
Veranstaltung ist kostenlos:
URL dieser Veranstaltung: http://idw-online.de/de/event76631
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