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17.09.2004 - 18.09.2004 | Wuppertal

Environmental Economics: Institutions, Competition, Rationality

The 6th INFER annual conference focuses on interrelations of environmental and economic issues including e.g. institutions in an environmental economics framework, competition issues and evolutionary theories, insides from behavioural sciences and their implication for environmental policy problems.

Conference Topics:
The interrelation of environmental and economic issues represents one of the most demanding challenges both for policy makers and economists. In the face of continuing environmental degradation both in industrialised and developing countries, this environmental issue remains very topical. At the same time, the current problems of the world economy underline the demand of integrating issues of economic welfare and the workability of competitive markets. Transforming industries and societies towards sustainable development remains a challenging task for research.

Although environmental economics has become a well-established discipline within economics and much research has been done in the past two decades, methodological issues are now at stake. This is because

- recent methods and fields of economics, like institutional and competition (industrial) economics, are only rarely considered within environmental economics and
- some of the prevailing and emerging environmental problems may need new methodological tools for economic analysis.

Therefore, this conference attempts to systematically explore new methodological frontiers. Topics will include analysis on how to bring institutions into environmental economics as well as the implications of modern evolutionary theories of competition. Also the application of new theories of human behaviour, governance theories and the analysis of their implications for environmental policy problems are demanding tasks for research, which may also require interdisciplinary analysis. Furthermore, the challenging task of bridging the analytical gap to new insights of environmental research represents a major topic of this conference.

The announced conference welcomes contributions on all facets of these issues, especially including papers on:

- the interrelation of environmental and institutional economics,
- environmental economics, industrial organization, and evolutionary market competition,
- international environmental governance beyond the state,
- the economics of federalism in environmental policy: states and laws between competition and harmonization,
- environmental management "under the shadow of the law": analysis of a public role for the private sector,
- new insights from environmental research and consequences for economic analysis: land economics, material flows economics etc.,
- new concepts of rationality in environmental economics ("homo sustinens"): what changes?
- rationality and policy instruments: economic and legal incentives for sustainable behaviour,
- new modelling approaches in environmental economics.

The conference is addressed to experienced researchers, recently graduated students and professionals from business, government or non-governmental institutions. We encourage especially junior scholars to submit papers.

Conference Programme:
The conference will include keynote lectures from high-level researchers and policy representatives. It will also include sessions in parallel workshops where accepted papers will be presented. A detailed programme will be made available in August 2004.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
The registration fee for speakers and other participants will be:
- Students and private members: 30 Euro,
- institutional members: 60 Euro,
- non-members: 120 Euro.
Please notice: the annual membership fee is 25 Euro only. You are invited to become a member!


17.09.2004 ab 17:30 - 18.09.2004 17:00


Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Technology
Döppersberg 19
D-42103 Wuppertal


Studierende, Wissenschaftler









Dr. Michael H. Stierle


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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