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23.03.2006 - 24.03.2006 | München

Polish - German Labor Migration after May 2004 and its Challenges for the Regions

Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

The abolishing of borders between the East and the West and the opening of the labor markets for the EU Europeans belongs to the most controversial aspects of the European Integration. Although the overall number of East Europeans in Germany does not exceed 0,7% of the total population, the public opinion is regularly alarmed about Polish citizens who take low paid jobs while the unemployment rates grow, and the government reacts by prolonging the transitional agreements that restrict free movement of workers and the freedom of providing services in the EU. The group of Polish labor migrants in Germany is very diverse and includes seasonal and work contract workers, double citizens, and illegally employed. Since May 2004, increases the number of companies registered by Poles in Germany has increased, making use of the freedom of services in the EU to avoid the existing restriction at the German labor market. All of them sustain intense relationships to Poland, and de facto live in two worlds. Often, they register unemployed or pay health and social insurance in Poland but work in Germany. Their transnational life is of interest to the social scientists, and to the local governments, communities and employers in the regions, where such migration concentrates, for example Munich.

Almost two years after the Polish accession to the EU, the seminar discusses the consequences of labor migration to Germany. For the first time, scientists and practitioners take a look at the changes in migration volume, trends and structure after the EU Enlargement. For the fist time, the topic is undertaken by the Yearly Conference on Employment organized by the Munich City Council, and the two events assembling a large and diverse public are laid together. The seminar gathers Polish and German migration specialist from the following institutions:

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Contact and registration:
Dr. Magdalena Nowicka
Seminar fee: 15 Euro (inc. Lunch)
Friday only - free of charge (please indicate if you participate in the seminar or/and the Employment Conference).


23.03.2006 ab 10:30 - 24.03.2006


Thursday, March 23rd 2006
International Seminar
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Leopoldstrasse 13, Room 21.02

Friday, March 24th 2006
The 15th Annual Employment Conference:
Unemployment and Labor Migration: The Two Sides of the Munich Labor Market
Venue: The Old City Council, Munich
80539 München


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Luise Dirscherl


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