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13.05.2008 - 17.05.2008 | Wilhelmshaven

International Workshop on Barcoding of Deep-Sea Organisms

For the promotion of the molecular barcoding of deep-sea organisms the Census of Abyssal Marine Life "CeDAMar" is arranging an international workshop in cooperation with the Marine Barcode of Life Initiative "MarBoL". The event shall raise interest in barcoding as a highly effective method for the analysis of genetic material from deep-sea organisms.

The workshop is financially supported through generously granted benefits by the Alfred Sloan Foundation and will also enhance the cooperation between CeDAMar and the Barcode of Life projects.

Duration: May, 13th - 17th 2008

Agenda (with subject to change in details)

Tuesday, 13th:
Welcome by S. Brix, K. Meißner, Senckenberg Research Institute

Start: 2 p.m.: Talk 1: Molecular Approaches in CeDAMar,
P. Martínez (Senckenberg), G. Paterson (NHM London)

Talk 2: Barcoding, Taxonomy And Systematics - CBOL
C. Schindel (Smithsonian Institution)

Talk 3: CBOL Leading Labs Presentations
A. Driskell (Smithsonian Institution), D. Steinke (Guelph)

Evening: Marine Barcode of Life (MarBoL)
D. Steinke (Guelph)

Wednesday, 14th
Talk 1: Pro and Contra CO I - The Theoretical Background
C. Schander (Bergen University)

Talk 2: Methods for New Barcoders
A. Driskell (Smithsonian Institution)

Demonstration of Lab Work
A. Driskell (Smithsonian Institution)

Thursday, 15th
Talk 1: Introduction to BoLD - Barcode of Life Database
(with practical training)
D. Steinke (Guelph)

Applications for Barcoding:
Talk 1: Phylogenetic Approaches
C. Bleidorn (University of Potsdam)

Talk 2: Phylogeography (e.g. Networking)

Talk 3: Chip Technology
M. Kochzius (University of Bremen)

Friday, 16th
Morning: Learning by Doing (Exercises)

Room for discussion: Fixation And Some Obstacles By Gaining
Molecular Results from Deep-Sea Specimen;
Results from Deep-Sea Specimen; Outcome for The CeDAMar
Community: Status Quo And Future Steps...
S. Brix, K. Meißner (Senckenberg)

Evening: Workshop Dinner

Saturday, 17th
Excursion - Nature in Northern Germany


Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Lab space is limited to 30 participants at the utmost.
(Please see workshop registration instructions, below).

Expression of Interest:
Interested parties are requested to send a short note to Stefanie Keller ( by 1st of January 2008 the latest. Please let us know your special interest in the workshop and add some information regarding your academic background.

In collaboration with the Smithsonian and Guelph labs the practical training offers facilities for generating bar code-data. In case you wish to use this option, please let us know the number of ethanol fixed specimen you would like to investigate by creating your own barcoding for specific taxa. Those who already work on CO I sequences are also requested to bring own data for the introductory exercises in Barcode of Life Database (BoLD).

Fee: 50 €
(including accommodation, breakfast and lunch for the whole duration)

Travel expenses may be covered if accepted participants cannot count on funding from other sources. In this case please attache an application by specifying expected costs.


13.05.2008 ab 14:00 - 17.05.2008 16:30


Senckenberg Research Institute,
dpt. German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB)
Südstrand 44
26382 Wilhelmshaven






Biologie, Chemie, Gesellschaft, Informationstechnik, Meer / Klima, Umwelt / Ökologie





Doris von Eiff


Pressestelle Senckenberg

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