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15.07.2008 - 18.07.2008 | Luxemburg

DEON2008 - Conference on Security and Trust in Luxembourg

The University of Luxembourg will host "DEON2008", the Ninth international Conference on Deontic Logic in Computer Science, from July 15 to 18 2008. On 17 July, keynote speaker Ross Anderson, Professor in Security engineering at the University of Cambridge, will talk about "Information Security Economics - and Beyond", a presentation interesting for experts as well as for a more general audience.

When may we shoot down a plane hijacked by terrorists? What is a good constitution for Europe? Which laws are emerging on Second Life? A characteristic of many intelligent distributed systems is that they have to reason about norms, obligations and permissions, which is formalized by deontic logic. It can also serve as the basis for software tools to assist lawyers and judges in the domain of legal reasoning, and allows reasoning about and verification of computer security policies.

In the context of its strategic priority on security and reliability in computer science, the University of Luxembourg will host "DEON2008", the Ninth international Conference on Deontic Logic in Computer Science, from July 15 to 18 2008. About 60 participants from all over the world are expected to attend this conference on Campus Limpertsberg, organised for the first time at the young University of Luxembourg. "The fact that we have been asked to organise this event shows that we are now becoming more and more integrated into European and international research networks", says Prof. van der Torre, responsible for the priority on security and reliability at the University of Luxembourg, and general chair of the conference.

The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scholars interested in mathematical models of reasoning about norms and obligations with computer science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, organisation theory, and law. In addition to these general themes, DEON2008 will put a special focus on the topic "Security and Trust". Van der Torre: "We think that this is a good opportunity for our local research teams to interact with some of the world's top security researchers."

On 17 July at 9.30 am, keynote speaker Ross Anderson, Professor in Security engineering at the University of Cambridge, will talk about "Information Security Economics - and Beyond", a presentation interesting for experts as well as for a more general audience. Ross Anderson illustrates the interdisciplinary nature of security and trust research: "The new field provides valuable insights not just into security topics such as privacy, bugs, spam, and phishing, which means stealing passwords, but also into more general areas such as system dependability and policy, particularly digital rights management." For further information, please check out the website

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
The registration fee of € 250 includes both the DEON conference and the NORMAS workshop, as well as lunches and the conference dinner. The registration fee for students (DEON + NORMAS + lunches + dinner) is € 100. Extra tickets for the conference dinner are € 50. There is an additional fee of € 50 for registrations done from the 10th of June. Registration:


15.07.2008 ab 18:15 - 18.07.2008 16:15


University of Luxembourg
Campus Limpertsberg
162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
1511 Luxemburg











Britta Schlüter


Campus Limpertsberg

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