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26.05.2009 - 28.05.2009 | Greifswald

Climate change and infectious diseases

There is no doubt that climatic changes occur at a global level which could have a serious impact on infectious diseases in humans and animals. Global warming may directly influence the distribution of arthropod and rodent vectors expanding or shifting their habitats into new areas. Extreme weather conditions, in particular the frequency and duration of rainfalls, alter seasonal patterns of emergence and expansion of diseases. Basically every infectious disease with a seasonal pattern can be influenced by changes in climate. However, direct proof for the influence of climate change on a regional, national, supranational or global level on the emergence of new or frequency of established infections is difficult to obtain.
In this symposium, experts from the fields of climate research, human and veterinary medicine, and biology will present and discuss recent developments in the already occurring or potential influence of climate change on the occurrence of infectious diseases in men and animals. Besides presentations on the newest information about the extent and speed of climate change, major emphasis will be placed on the impact of climate change on vector populations and on the observed or predicted spread of infectious diseases and their effect on human and animal health.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1.45 pm -- 2.15 pm
Welcome addresses
Bärbel Friedrich ML* (Berlin/Greifswald)
Academic director of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald
Volker ter Meulen ML* (Halle/Saale)
President of the German Academy of Sciences
Leopoldina, National Academy of Sciences
Seyed E. Hasnain ML* (Hyderabad, India)
Indian National Science Academy
2.15 pm -- 2.30 pm
Introduction to the conference
Thomas C. Mettenleiter ML*
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health (Greifswald-Insel Riems)

Session I:
Climate change: past, present, future
2.30 pm -- 3.00 pm
Past climate change: its facts and mysteries
Heinz Wanner (Berne, Switzerland)
3.00 pm -- 3.30 pm
Predictions of climate change
Manfred Stock (Potsdam, Germany)
3.30 pm -- 4.00 pm
Coffee Break
4.00 pm -- 4.30 pm
Climate change as driving force of evolution
Julia Walochnik (Vienna, Austria)
4.30 pm --5.00 pm
Fluctuations of biodiversity in Europe in the light of climate change
Horst Aspöck ML* (Vienna, Austria)
5.00 pm -- 5.30 pm
Fluctuation in microbial diversity in light of global warming: coral health and disease
Eugen Rosenberg (Tel Aviv, Israel)
5.30 pm -- 6.00 pm
Helicobacter pylori -- from pre-history to industrialization: acquisition, adaptation and endangerment of a celebrated bacterial parasite
Niyaz Ahmed (Hyderabad, India)
6.00 pm
Evening reception in
Pommersches Landesmuseum (Greifswald)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Session II:
Impact of climate change on vector-borne infections of humans
9.00 am -- 9.30 am
Influence of climate change on dynamics of rodents and rodent-borne viral diseases
Heikki Henttonen (Vantaa, Finland)
9.30 am -- 10.00 am
Arboviral diseases emergence -- what is the role of climate change?
Lyle R. Petersen (Fort Collins, USA)
10.00 am -- 10.30 am
Impact of climate change on malaria
Ramesh C. Dhiman (New Delhi, India)
10.30 am --11.00 am
Coffee Break
11.00 am -- 11.30 am
Human viral diseases imported to Europe
Matthias Niedrig (Berlin, Germany)
11.30 am -- 12.00 pm
Global warming and its effect on vector-borne and diarrhoeal diseases in India
Nirmal Kumar Ganguly (New Delhi, India)
12.00 pm -- 12.30 pm
Climate change and impact on human health
Bettina Menne (Rome, Italy)
12.30 pm -- 1.30 pm

Session III:
Impact of climate change on infectious diseases of humans
1.30 pm -- 2.00 pm
Climate change and its impact on cholera
Gopinath Balakrish Nair (Calcutta, India)
2.00 pm -- 2.30 pm
Molecular epidemiology of leptospirosis and gene flow of the isolates recovered from Andaman Islands and mainland India
Paluru Vijayachari (Port Blair, India)
2.30 pm -- 3.00 pm
Impact of climate change on the evolutionary genetics and dissemination dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Seyed E. Hasnain ML* (Hyderabad, India)
3.00 pm -- 3.30 pm
Impact of climate change on Dirofilaria infections in animals and humans
Claudio Genchi (Milano, Italy)
3.30 pm -- 4.00 pm
Emerging viral infections in India -- impact of climate change
Akhilash Chandra Mishra (Pune, India)
4.00 pm -- 4.30 pm
Coffee Break
4.30 pm -- 5.00 pm
Climate change: impact on respiratory diseases
Vishwa Mohan Katoch (New Delhi, India)
5.00 pm -- 5.30 pm
Impact of climate change on leishmaniosis
Paul Ready (London, United Kingdom)
5.30 pm -- 6.00 pm
Impact of climate and climate changes on
Y. pestis epidemiology and plague epizootics
Elisabeth Carniel (Paris, France)
6.00 pm
Transport to hotel and departure to Insel Riems
7.30 pm
Barbecue dinner at Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (Greifswald-Insel Riems)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Session IV:
Impact of climate change on infectious diseases of animals (incl. zoonoses)
9.00 am -- 9.30 am
Impact of climate change on orbivirus infection
Beth Purse (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
9.30 am -- 10.00 am
Impact of climate change on Rift Valley Fever and other bunyavirus infections
Martin Pfeffer (Leipzig, Germany)
10.00 am -- 10.30 am
Impact of climate change on wildlife hosts and their pathogens
Heribert Hofer (Berlin, Germany)
10.30 am --11.00 am
Coffee Break
11.00 am -- 11.30 am
Recent spread of African Swine Fever:
a consequence of climate change?
Klaus Depner (Brussels, Belgium)
11.30 am -- 12.00 pm
Emergence and spread of mosquito-borne flaviviruses in Europe
Norbert Nowotny (Vienna, Austria)
12.00 pm -- 12.30 pm
EDEN - Emerging Diseases in a Changing European Environment
Guy Hendrickx (Zoersel, Belgium)
12.30 pm -- 1.00 pm
Concluding remarks
Thomas C. Mettenleiter ML* (Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany)

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Conference organizers:
Prof. Dr. B. Friedrich ML* (Berlin/Greifswald)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. J. Hacker ML* (Berlin)
Prof. Dr. S. Hasnain ML* (Hyderabad)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. T. C. Mettenleiter ML* (Insel Riems)

Scientific advisory board:
Prof. Dr. H. Aspöck ML* (Vienna)
Prof. Dr. J. Eckert ML* (Zurich)
Prof. Dr. B. Gottstein ML* (Berne)
Prof. Dr. T. Hiepe ML* (Berlin)

ML - Member of Leopoldina, Halle

Information and Registration:
Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit
Südufer 10
D-17493 Greifswald-Insel Riems
Phone: +49 (0) 38351 / 7-102
Fax: +49 (0) 38351 / 7-151

Conference fee: 180 Euro


26.05.2009 ab 13:45 - 28.05.2009 13:00


Martin-Luther-Straße 14
17489 Greifswald


Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler




Biologie, Geowissenschaften, Gesellschaft, Medizin, Tier / Land / Forst





Marlene Sülberg


Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald

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