idw - Informationsdienst
26.10.2018 - 28.10.2018 | Berlin
The relationship between archiving and political events is multi-faceted, as the future seems contingent on archiving the present and revisiting the past. In documenting revolutions and their unfolding, the first impetus was to interrogate iconographic and representational languages, new functions of social media and the new role of citizen journalism. Documenting present-day disastrous realities – in the aftermath of revolutions – is a more complex undertaking that raises questions about memory, mourning, and the formal choices artists make to capture these realities.
The artistic and intellectual practices and articulations of archiving as personal and political practice will be explored within this three-day forum. It gathers academics, writers, artists and filmmakers from the Arab world and Europe to reflect on and enact the multifold practices and approaches in lectures discussions, a reading and screenings. The symposium is presented by the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC), in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt and in association with Europe in the Middle East—the Middle East in Europe (EUME), a research program at the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien. The symposium is curated by Khaled Saghieh. Please find the program here:
Revisiting Archive is the fourth symposium in a series of events, preceded by Imagining the Future: The Arab World in the Aftermath of Revolution in April 2018 at Archive Kabinett, A Century of Camps: Refugee Knowledges and Forms of Sovereignty Beyond the Nation-State in August 2017 at documenta 14, and Writing (in) Exile: A Forum on Literature, Writing and the Experience of Exile in July 2017 at Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) is an independent institution in the Arab world that since 2007 has been supporting individuals and associations in producing art and knowledge and promoting the development of a culture of philanthropy. AFAC’s many years of experience in supporting creativity in societies that are torn by conflict and subject to radicalization and political turbulence has resulted in extensive first-hand knowledge and a faith in how creativity can be used in a highly meaningful way. More information about AFAC:
Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.
Press Contacts:
PR-Netzwerk | Annette Schäfer, Anke Ulrich
+49 - 30 - 61 65 11 55
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Anne Maier
+49 -30 – 39787-153/196
Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Eintritt frei
26.10.2018 ab 19:00 - 28.10.2018
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Gesellschaft, Kulturwissenschaften, Pädagogik / Bildung, Philosophie / Ethik, Politik
Ausstellung / kulturelle Veranstaltung / Fest, Konferenz / Symposion / (Jahres-)Tagung, Seminar / Workshop / Diskussion
Dr. Moritz Buchner
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