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08.02.2019 - 08.02.2019 | Hannover
The resistance of pathogens against antibiotics is a problem that is discussed worldwide. Resistances make these utmost important drugs ineffective and a therapy difficult, if not impossible. This is true for diseases of bacterial genesis in humans as well as in animals. Furthermore, the manifold use of antibiotics leads to the occurrence of antibiotics, their metabolites and resistant bacteria also in the environment.
Speakers from science and practice will discuss questions on antibiotic resistance on Friday, 8 February 2019, from 9 am to 5 pm under the title "Seminar Veterinary Public Health: Antimicrobial Resistance at the Human-Animal-Environment Interface" The seminar takes place at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover in the Bayer lecture hall of the Clinical Center Bünteweg at Bünteweg 9, 30559 Hannover.
According to the consumers' monitor published by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in February 2018, antimicrobial resistances are by far alarm most of the respondents (62%; BfR-Verbrauchermonitor 02|2018). Many international organisations like the World Health Organization WHO, the World Organization for Animal Health OIE, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, FAO, initiated action plans that aim at combatting resistances and controlling antimicrobial use. Many scientific projects deal with questions on how resistances in humans, animals and the environment develop, spread and how they are linked. Legislators and politicians already took several measures to tackle this important public health problem.
Against this background, the Seminar Veterinary Public Health 2019 will present and discuss the state of the art in all three fields within the One Health context. Within the frame of this event, renowned international experts will contribute to a cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary dialogue on possibilities of collaboration and opportunities of new approaches in research between science, administration and practice.
The participation for journalists is free. Please contact Dr. med. Nicole Werner ( The event language is English.
For more information:
I. Welcome note
L. H. Wieler, Berlin: Antimicrobial resistance as a One Health-paradigm
II. AMR in Humans
H. Grundmann, Freiburg: Current situation in the EU
P. Gastmeier, Berlin: AMR in hospitals in Germany
G. Werner, Wernigerode: AMR in the German community
III. AMR in Animals
J. Wagenaar, Utrecht: The EU project EFFORT
L. Kreienbrock, Hannover: AMR in farm animals in Germany
BA. Tenhagen, Berlin: Antimicrobial resistance in food in Germany - prevalence and relevance
IV. AMR in the Environment
R. Hendriksen, Copenhagen: Global monitoring of AMR from waste water and faecal samples
C. Galert, Emden: AMR in surface water
K. Smalla, Braunschweig: AMR in plants and soil
V. AMR at the Human-Animal-Environment Interface
J. Wagenaar, Utrecht: The WHO Tricycle Project as an example of a coordinated One Health project
M. Pulz, Hannover: Summary of the day
Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
08.02.2019 09:00 - 17:00
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Bayer lecture hall of the Clinical Center Bünteweg, Bünteweg 9
30559 Hannover
Biologie, Medizin, Tier / Land / Forst
Konferenz / Symposion / (Jahres-)Tagung
Sonja von Brethorst
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
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