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15.10.2024 - 17.10.2024 | Berlin

Workshop: Fundamental radar signal processing in Matlab based on TI Radars

Radar technology has advanced significantly in recent years thanks to the automotive industry! Many radar systems have been miniaturized and cost reduced. This opens the door for a whole new range of applications. Some companies provide radar system evaluation kits to start exploring this technology. Since radar systems are very complex, Fraunhofer IZM offers a radar workshop to accelerate the development phase and help your engineers become experts in this exciting field.

The workshop is based on the Texas Instruments (TI)-Ecosystem. It focuses on signal processing of radar systems, especially for the IWR6843. The workshop is organized in a recurring alternation between theory and practice.

The first day introduces the IWR6843ISK board and the DCA1000EVM (both components from TI), shows how to take first measurements which involves the use of TI’s software. It includes the flashing process of the IWR6843ISK with example projects.

The second and third day deals with the radar technology with a focus on fundamental building blocks for MIMO FMCW radar signal processing. In the practical sessions two participants work together in a working group. There is also the possibility to perform measurements in an anechoic chamber to give more practical examples and even include moving scenarios that can be automated by linear motors and a moving robot. The working groups will be supervised by two trainers.

Target group:
The seminar is primarily aimed at engineers from the fields of development and technology. Previous experience in radar technology is not necessary.

Reasons to Attend:
1. This is the most comprehensive workshop on signal processing of radar systems. If you do anything with radar signal processing based on Ti-Ecosystems, you should join us!
2. Workshop sessions will feature combined theoretical and practical experiences. The theoretical part will be summarized in a hand-out. Practical examples are used to show what needs to be considered when implementing a complete radar signal processing system.
3.Interaction with participants and the radar research landscape of Germany.
4. Individual attention with a number of participants limited to 8.
5. Radar is one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing technologies. Whether you are an industry veteran or just now getting into it, don't miss your chance to learn more about opportunities in this exciting field.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Cost per participant:
Day 1-3: 2.200€ (basic & advanced)
Day 2-3: 1.800€ (advanced)

The participation fee includes lunch on all days, as well as dinner on the 1st and 2nd day.


15.10.2024 ab 08:30 - 17.10.2024 17:45




Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin


Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler




Elektrotechnik, Verkehr / Transport


Seminar / Workshop / Diskussion




Susann Thoma


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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