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09.08.2007 16:46

Cluster of European RFID projects contributes to European Research Agenda

Wiebke Ehret Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH

    The 13 members of the Cluster of European RFID Projects - CERP were invited by the European Commission to provide a paper on RFID research needs for RFID which shall serve as an input to the 2nd call in the 7th Research Framework Programme.

    At their meeting in Berlin the CERP partners decided that a powerful vision on RFID must be based on a strong focus on applications. According to the RFID Reference Model (download: developed within the EU-funded CE RFID project the CERP experts will concentrate on four RFID application fields which endorse great benefits for society and economics: Beside the well-established application areas logistics and manufacturing, CERP will also deal with product safety, i.e. food chain or anti- counterfeited pharmaceuticals. Finally, the experts evaluated the combination of RFID with smart card and mobile devices in application areas such as access control, payment and loyalty as most promising. At their next meeting on August 30-31 in Espoo, Finland the CERP partners will discuss the research tasks that are induced by the four application fields.

    The paper will be presented at the European conference "On RFID: The next step towards the Internet of Things" in November in Lisbon. The preliminary CERP working paper "RFID Research Needs" is available online:

    CE RFID was launched in April 2006 by leading RFID user companies and vendors. Its main intent is to strengthen the European competitiveness of RFID in the context of the aims of the Lisbon strategy. Members of CE RFID are METRO Group, Siemens, ADT Fire & Security, Deutsche Post World Net, NXP, UPM Raflatac, Feig Electronic, RF-iT, AIDA Centre, Pleon, VDI/VDE-IT and EADS. CE RFID is a Coordination Action funded by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Programme. The coordinator of CE RFID, Dr. Gerd Wolfram, MGI METRO Group Information Technology GmbH is also chairman of CERP.

    The Cluster of European RFID Projects was founded in January 2007. The CERP cluster facilitates an exchange of information and experiences between different R&D projects and accelerates enhancements of this fast developing technology and its applications.

    Conference "On RFID: The next step towards the Internet of Things"
    International experts will continue the ongoing European debate on RFID at the conference "On RFID: The next step towards the Internet of Things" on 15/16 November 2007 in Lisbon.

    Further information: please visit the CE RFID website or contact the CE RFID secretariat:

    Peter Gabriel, VDI/VDE-IT, Steinplatz 1, 10623 Berlin, Germany,
    Phone: +49 30 310078-206, E-Mail:

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    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Informationstechnik, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Verkehr / Transport, Wirtschaft



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