Mitsubishi Corporation President Sasaki visits Fraunhofer IGD
Mitsubishi Corporation and Fraunhofer IGD continue successful cooperation.
Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan and the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics based in Darmstadt, Germany announced the continuation of the project code-named »CIPRESS« (Cryptographic Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement SyStem) on occasion of a visit of Mr. Mikio Sasaki, President/CEO of Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokyo at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt.
This system facilitates data security for intellectual property protection and use control and has been tested successfully in a long-term field trial in the medical sector. The significance of data security systems for critical data such as financial or resarch information has become obvious and has been underscored further by recent events such as the loss of nuclear secrets at the Los Alamos National Laboratories, U.S.A.
»According to recent studies, the Fortune 1000 alone lost more than USD 45 billion to industrial espionage in 1999. CIPRESS offers the maximum security to protect those intellectual property and copy rights of various industries.« explained Mr. Sasaki.
Beyond misson-critical applications, many other applications in the B2B electronic commerce area urgently need security measures, as has been demonstrated by the considerable interest shown by potential customers in various sectors of industry.
»CIPRESS provides transparent security based on patented technology of both Mitsubishi Corporation and Fraunhofer IGD, making it possible to achieve maximum security without impeding the day-to-day work of its users«, Prof. Dr. José L. Encarnação, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute pointed out.
The system will be enhanced to address the requirements of globally operating businesses working in a heterogeneous environment. It will be available on Microsoft® Windows® 2000 as well as leading Unix® systems such as Sun® Solaris® in addition to the currently available Microsoft® Windows® NT 4.0 version.
CIPRESS provides transparent security by embedding Mitsubishi Corporation's patented ReEncryption® technology as well as Fraunhofer's patented digital watermarking technology into the operating system, thereby instantly providing a vast number of common business applications with maximum data security.
The international network of Computer Graphics (INI-GraphicsNet) consists of the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD), the Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV), both situated in Darmstadt and Rostock and the Darmstadt University of Technology Department of Computer Science Interactive Graphics Systems Group (GRIS). The network comprises of further institutions such as the Fraunhofer Application Center for Computer Graphics in Chemistry and Pharmaceutics (AGC) situated in Frankfurt, the Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics (CRCG) in Providence, Rhode Island, the Fraunhofer Centre for Advanced Media Technology (CAMTech), Singapore and the Centro de Computação Gráfica (CCG) in Coimbra, Portugal.
It employs a staff of over 300 and more than 450 assistant researchers at six locations. With a budget of 70 million DM it is the major research alliance in the field of computer graphics world-wide.
Fraunhofer IGD
Dr. Christoph Busch
Phone: 06151/155-147
Fax: 06151/155-444
Bernad Lukacin
Corporate Communications
Phone: 06151/155-146
Fax: 06151/155-446
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Informationstechnik, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften
Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Forschungsprojekte
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