During the past decade Cellular Engineering has become a key engineering discipline in life sciences because of itŽs important roles in biotechnology and medical technology as well as basic biology and industry. Many biomedical engineers, medical physicists, chemists, biologists and physicians have moved closer to the biological cell as part of a new era in the engineering of sensors, devices and of cell based organ implants and tissues. The benefits of bringing together all relevant disciplines to unite the experience of different professional backgrounds are enormous. The purpose of this conference is to present and discuss new data on selected topics in the field of cellular engineering and exchange information about new trends of the 21st century. The Organizing Commitee wishes to extend itŽs cordial invitation to you to participate in this conference.
Four preceeding highly succesful International Conferences on Cellular Engineering held in Keele (UK), San Diego (USA), San Remo (Italy) and Nara (Japan) were well attended by the international community of scientists. The "5th International Conference on Cellular Engineering" will be held in the Congress Center "Eurogress" of Aachen, Germany. The Conference will be hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Aachen an the University of Technology Aachen (RWTH). The local scientific organization will be supported by Aachen center of Competence: Biomaterials (bwA) and IZKF "BIOMAT".
The chairpersons will be Prof. Gerhard Artmann and Prof. Hans Merk.
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Biologie, Informationstechnik
Forschungsergebnisse, Forschungsprojekte
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