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20.03.2002 15:19

EMBO gets US$ 2 Million from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to support young scientists

Dr. Luc Van Dyck EMBO Communications
EMBO - European Molecular Biology Organization

    Grant Supports Young Researchers in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland

    Heidelberg, Germany - The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) announces that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) has joined the organization in supporting young scientists from Central Europe, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The HHMI provides $ 2 Mio for the next four years to the EMBO Young Investigator Programme. Each year six scientists can be supported with Euro 30 000 per year for a duration of three years from this additional fund.

    "We are delighted that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) will help EMBO to support young scientists from these countries. We are positive that this will boost the status of up-and-coming scientists in Central Europe," said Frank Gannon, Executive Director of EMBO.

    The EMBO Young Investigator Programme promotes Europe's most promising young researchers in the life sciences. The programme offers a three year membership, providing a number of benefits, such as mentorship, opportunities for networking and an award of Euro 15 000 annually. Additional funds can be obtained from a pool of Euro 500 000. The distinction as EMBO Young Investigator is a leverage for obtaining funds nationally and internationally.
    Gerlind Wallon, Manager of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme, noted "the scientists selected to date have quickly established a useful new network. The programme's activities are very helpful for scientists at the beginning of their careers. We are happy to be able to offer more financial support to Central European scientists through the collaboration with the HHMI."
    Interested scientists should apply to the EMBO Young Investigator Programme. For more information visit our web site at:

    For HHMI press release visit:

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    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Chemie, Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Informationstechnik, Medizin
    Organisatorisches, Wissenschaftspolitik



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