Focus “The Future Sustainable City” - October 18-19, 2012
On October 18-19, 2012, the International Conference on Highlights and Trends in Solar Energy, Solar Summit Freiburg, will be held at the “Konzerthaus” conference center in Freiburg. The conference will provide an overview of solar energy conversion technologies. In addition to the latest research and development, discussions will also cover current market and political trends. This year, the focus of the conference is sustainable urban development, under the headline “The Future Sustainable City”.
The “Solar Summit Freiburg 2012” program is divided into the following subjects: Intelligent transformation of our energy supply, the focus subject “The Future Sustainable City” and trends in solar technology, such as heating and cooling, storage technologies and photovoltaics. Renowned international speakers and experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE will present the topics and discuss them with participants.
“Once again, we are looking forward to lively discussions and networking with participants from a variety of fields, such as industry and politics, research and technology, as well as investors, banks and the media,” says Prof. Eicke R. Weber, scientific chair of the conference and Director of Fraunhofer ISE. “The Solar Summit is an excellent platform which allows all the sectors involved in the energy revolution to carry out the vital task of sharing their knowledge and ideas; Fraunhofer ISE’s portfolio covers a wide range of these subjects.”
The Solar Summit Freiburg conferences are hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, supported by FWTM and Messe München, and organised by PSE AG from Freiburg. For more information please visit
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