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26.01.2018 16:00

Educational opportunities for refugees from Syria and young people from the host countries

Bjoern Wilck Pressestelle
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.

    Statement by the President of the DAAD

    On the occasion of her participation in the delegation visit to Jordan and Lebanon with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier from 27 to 31 January 2018, DAAD President Prof. Margret Wintermantel said today:

    "The war in Syria is taking away people's prospects for the future: It is almost impossible for young refugees to take up or complete university studies. In Lebanon, Jordan and other countries in the region, the German Academic Exchange Service enables them to study in Lebanon through the EU-funded HOPES project. In doing so, the DAAD gives them and disadvantaged young people from the host societies the chance of higher education and thus the prospect of a better life ".

    HOPES—Higher and Further Education Opportunities and Perspectives for Syrians

    HOPES offers refugees from Syria and young, disadvantaged people from the host countries Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Turkey the opportunity to take up or complete their university studies.

    The project is supported by the European Union's "Madad Fund" which was created to alleviate the consequences of the ongoing crisis in Syria and to support its reconstruction.
    HOPES—the first project funded by the Madad Fund in the field of higher education—started its work in April 2016 and, alongside the DAAD, is led by three other European institutions: the British Council, Campus France and EP-NUFFIC (Netherlands).

    The DAAD

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the organisation of the German higher education institutions and their students devoted to internationalising the academic and scientific research system. Through its scholarship programme, the DAAD enables students, researchers and instructors to take advantage of the best study and research opportunities available.

    The DAAD promotes transnational cooperation and partnerships between higher education institutions and is the German National Agency for European higher education cooperation. The DAAD maintains a network of 71 regional offices and information centres and around 500 lectureships around the world as well as the international DAAD Academy (iDA).

    In 2016 the DAAD supported more than 130,000 Germans and foreigners all round the world. The DAAD is principally funded by the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union.

    Bjoern Wilck
    Head of Press Relations
    DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
    German Academic Exchange Service
    +49 228 882-644

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