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11.02.2019 11:08

FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award 2019 awarded to Sara Linse

Dr. Tilmann Kiessling EMBO Communications
EMBO - excellence in life sciences

    Heidelberg, 11 February 2019 – EMBO and the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) announce Sara Linse of Lund University, Sweden, as the recipient of the 2019 FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award.

    The FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award recognizes outstanding achievements of female researchers in the life sciences. In addition, the recipients are role models who inspire future generations of scientists.

    Sara Linse receives the award for her contribution to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of protein self-assembly in Alzheimer’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders. In addition, the award recognizes her varied activities in support of science and society.

    Linse says about receiving the award: “This is an extreme honor and a tribute to curiosity-driven basic science.”

    Daniel Otzen of Aarhus University, Denmark, a research colleague in the amyloid field, says: “Sara Linse’s first article on protein aggregation really was a game changer. She courageously decided to tackle one of the most difficult peptides in the field, namely the amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide, which is critical in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.” And, he adds, having built on her earlier work on Aβ aggregation, “she is well on her way to developing therapies against Alzheimer’s disease based on her exquisite biophysical and molecular insight.”

    Linse is known as a generous colleague and collaborator who shares ideas, results and samples freely and enthusiastically. She also serves the scientific community through her work on numerous committees, which includes chairing the Nobel Prize Committee for Chemistry. In addition, she has authored eight children’s books and founded two organizations committed to supporting children and young adults with autism and mental illness.

    “Sara Linse is an astonishing role model who inspires other women to pursue careers in science and illustrates how it is possible to have a family life, support those with special needs, play vital roles in promoting scientific excellence, as well as carrying out original research of the highest quality,” says EMBO Member Chris Dobson, University of Cambridge, UK.

    The 2019 FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award of 10,000 euros and a bronze statuette will be presented to Linse on 7 July 2019 at the FEBS Congress in Krakow, Poland, where she will present a plenary lecture.



    Sara Linse studied at Lund University, Sweden, and Stanford University, USA, before completing her PhD on the topic of cooperativity of calcium binding in calmodulin and calbindin D9k at Lund University in 1993. She has remained at the university, where she now holds the position of Professor in Physical Chemistry and Molecular Protein Science.

    Linse’s current research interests span a range of different topics. These include calcium signalling networks, non-covalent interactions in proteins, the stabilization of proteins for therapeutic purposes, and biological risks of nanoparticles. Furthermore, she continues to work on protein amyloid formation, including the aggregation process, the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors and co-aggregation between lipids and amyloid proteins.

    Linse has received numerous awards for her work, including the Cozzarelli Prize awarded by the National Academy of Sciences, USA (2007), the IUPAC Distinguished Woman in Chemistry prize (2011), and Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology’s Great Prize (2014).

    About the FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award

    The Women in Science Award is a joint initiative of FEBS and EMBO. It recognizes and highlights major contributions by female scientists working in Europe to life sciences research in the past five years. The award includes a prize of 10,000 euros, a bronze statuette and the opportunity to give a plenary lecture at the FEBS Congress.

    Nominations for the 2020 FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award close on 15 October 2019.

    More information:

    About FEBS

    The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) is one of Europe’s largest organizations in the molecular life sciences, with over 35,000 members across more than 35 biochemistry and molecular biology societies (its 'Constituent Societies') in different countries of Europe and neighbouring regions. As a grass-roots organization FEBS thereby provides a voice to a large part of the academic research and teaching community in Europe and beyond.

    As a charity, FEBS promotes and supports biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, molecular biophysics and related research areas through its journals, Congress, Advanced Courses, Fellowships and other initiatives. There is an emphasis in many programmes on scientific exchange and cooperation between scientists working in different countries, and on promotion of the training of early-career scientists. For more information:

    About EMBO

    EMBO is an organization of more than 1800 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences in Europe and beyond. The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a research environment where scientists can achieve their best work.

    EMBO helps young scientists to advance their research, promote their international reputations and ensure their mobility. Courses, workshops, conferences and scientific journals disseminate the latest research and offer training in techniques to maintain high standards of excellence in research practice. EMBO helps to shape science and research policy by seeking input and feedback from our community and by following closely the trends in science in Europe. For more information:

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Biologie, Chemie, Medizin
    Personalia, Wettbewerbe / Auszeichnungen



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