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18.09.2020 17:12

CHE-survey on master’s programmes in times of coronavirus: Outstanding ratings for the University of Bayreuth

Christian Wißler Pressestelle
Universität Bayreuth

    The University of Bayreuth has received outstanding ratings for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic from students in its master's programmes in business administration and economics. This is shown by the results of a nationwide survey published today by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE).

    In developing this year's master's ranking, which is expected to be published in December 2020, the CHE surveyed master's students nationwide in the subjects of economics and business administration. The results on Covid-19 were published in advance. The evaluation differentiates between the categories "good/very good" and "bad/very bad".

    Of the master's students at the University of Bayreuth surveyed, 89.5 percent (business administration) and 80.0 percent (economics) rated their university's handling of the coronavirus pandemic as good or very good, while only 3.5 percent (business administration) and 0.0 percent (economics) found it bad or very bad. Moreover, in all individual evaluations, the University of Bayreuth achieves very good ratings. The University's management of information on the current situation, as well as the opportunities for communicating with lecturers, for taking exams, and for the planned continuation of the master's programme are consistently rated as good or very good by more than 85 percent of master's students in both subjects.

    Satisfaction with the framework conditions for digital teaching is equally high. 88.7 percent (business administration) and 83.3 percent (economics) rate the specific didactic basis of the digital courses as good or very good, and 0.0 percent each as poor or very poor. The technical conditions for digital courses - such as video and sound quality, transmission stability, and IT support - were rated as good or very good by 96.4 percent (business administration) and 84.2 percent (economics) of master's students. Just as high is the approval rating for the diversity of digital teaching formats offered; no one rated this as bad or very bad.

    "We are very pleased with the results of the CHE survey published today. The joint commitment of lecturers, students, and technology experts within the Faculty of Law, Business & Economics, but also the close cooperation with the University Governing Board, the IT Service Centre, and the relevant examination offices, have made it possible for us to offer our master's students truly high-quality digital teaching," says Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Jörg Schlüchtermann. "We will continue in the same vein during the coming winter semester, in close dialogue with our students. In addition to a growing number of 'real' courses on campus, we will continue to work intensively on the optimisation and variety of digital formats," adds Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Friedrich Sommer.

    Jörg Scheler / Florian Gillitzer
    Strategy & Planning
    University of Bayreuth
    Phone: 0921 / 55-5206 and 55-5209

    Weitere Informationen:
    http://Programmes of study at the Faculty of Law, Business & Economics at the University of Bayreuth.
    http://Results of the nationwide CHE survey.


    The Campus of the University of Bayreuth.
    The Campus of the University of Bayreuth.
    Photo: UBT.

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    The Campus of the University of Bayreuth.

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