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18.12.2020 10:08

Research on corona: Volkswagen Foundation funds project at Jacobs University

Heiko Lammers Corporate Communications & Public Relations
Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH

    It came suddenly, unexpectedly for most, but it has profound consequences not only for people’s health: What impact does the coronavirus pandemic have on moral values and social orientations in a society? Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Jacobs University Bremen, the University of Edinburgh, and Leuphana University Lüneburg is investigating this question in cooperation with the think tank d|part as a practice partner.

    "Values in Crisis – a Crisis of Values? Moral Values and Social Orientations under the Imprint of the Corona Pandemic" is the title of the project. The project team engages in a prospective panel study, started by comparing attitudes of 2,000 respondents each in Great Britain and Germany. The two countries were chosen because they are comparable in terms of economic parameters, but differ greatly in the way they deal with the pandemic and its consequences.

    Moral values and social orientation are considered relatively stable constructs that change only slowly. Values and social orientations are of great importance for how individuals feel about democracy or populism, for example. Project leaders are Professor Jan Delhey, Magdeburg, Franziska Deutsch, University Lecturer at Jacobs University, and Senior Lecturer Jan Eichhorn, Edinburgh/d|part. Also involved are Professor Christian Welzel, Lüneburg as well as Professor Ulrich Kühnen and Professor Klaus Boehnke, Jacobs University.

    As part of its "Corona Crisis and Beyond" initiative, the Volkswagen Foundation is funding cross-disciplinary research with a total of 11.7 million euros. 102 projects from a wide range of disciplines have been approved to each receive up to 120,000 euros. The projects range from new procedures for rapid tests to linguistic investigations of conspiracy theories.

    About Jacobs University Bremen:

    Studying in an international community. Obtaining a qualification to work on responsible tasks in a digitized and globalized society. Learning, researching and teaching across academic disciplines and countries. Strengthening people and markets with innovative solutions and advanced training programs. This is what Jacobs University Bremen stands for. Established as a private, English-medium campus university in Germany in 2001, it is continuously achieving top results in national and international university rankings. Its more than 1,500 students come from more than 110 countries with around 80% having relocated to Germany for their studies. Jacobs University’s research projects are funded by the German Research Foundation or the EU Research and Innovation program as well as by globally leading companies.
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    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr. Franziska Deutsch
    University Lecturer for Socio-Cultural Change


    What impact does the coronavirus pandemic have on moral values and social orientations in a society? An interdisciplinary team of researchers is investigating this question under participation of Jacobs University.
    What impact does the coronavirus pandemic have on moral values and social orientations in a society? ...


    Franziska Deutsch, University Lecturer for Socio-Cultural Change, is the project leader at Jacobs University.
    Franziska Deutsch, University Lecturer for Socio-Cultural Change, is the project leader at Jacobs Un ...

    David Ausserhofer

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Gesellschaft, Psychologie
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Forschungsprojekte


    What impact does the coronavirus pandemic have on moral values and social orientations in a society? An interdisciplinary team of researchers is investigating this question under participation of Jacobs University.

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    Franziska Deutsch, University Lecturer for Socio-Cultural Change, is the project leader at Jacobs University.

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