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22.01.2021 08:35

In 2020 almost 3.000 children were born in the MHH

Stefan Zorn Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

    Births largely took place normally despite Corona restrictions

    Despite the pandemic, life goes on - probably nowhere is this more evident than in maternity clinics. In the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Hannover Medical School (MHH), a total of 2.939 children came into the world in 2020. Of these, 1.414 were girls, 1.522 boys and three of unknown sex. Of the total of 2.824 births, 111 were multiple births. With the birth figures, the clinic is roughly at the same level as in previous years. In 2019, 3.071 newborns were registered. The first baby delivered in 2021 was a baby boy, born at 0.56 am on 1st January.

    Deliveries under difficult circumstances

    The pandemic caused by the coronavirus is also affecting procedures in the delivery room and on the mother-child ward. Nevertheless, Professor Dr. Constantin von Kaisenberg, Head of the Department of Prenatal Medicine and Obstetrics, draws a positive balance: "We got through the past year well and were able to care for our patients around pregnancy and birth almost unchanged." And this despite the fact that midwives, nurses, doctors and physicians have been working under difficult conditions since the outbreak of the pandemic. The expectant mothers and their families also have to cope with restrictions. For example, the person accompanying the woman in labour is not allowed to join her until the final stage of delivery. Visits to the clinic are limited to one hour per day. In addition, only one permanent visitor per pregnant woman is allowed for the entire duration of the stay in the clinic.

    Information evenings online

    The MHH Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics is one of the most popular maternity clinics in the region of Hannover. Professor Dr. Peter Hillemanns, Director of the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, attributes this to the wide range of services offered - from care during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium to support through the first year of the child's life. "Even in the current difficult situation, direct contact with the parents-to-be is important to us," says the clinic director. That is why the clinic has been offering web-based information evenings for future mothers and fathers since August 2020. In a weekly live broadcast, they can find out about topics relating to pregnancy and birth at the MHH.

    Current visiting rules for the MHH and especially the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics can be found here:

    For those interested, you can register for the web-based information evening of the gynaecological clinic at:

    For further information, please contact Professor Dr Peter Hillemanns,, phone (0511) 532-6143 and Professor Dr Constantin von Kaisenberg,, phone (0511) 532-6096.


    Copyright: "Karin Kaiser/MHH"
    Copyright: "Karin Kaiser/MHH"

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    Copyright: "Karin Kaiser/MHH"

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