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27.01.2021 10:11

Virtual ‘International Conference on UV LED Technologies & Applications – ICULTA 2021’ features cutting-edge topics

Petra Immerz Pressestelle
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik

    Current global developments have increased attention to topics like disinfection and sterilization in medical environments with UV radiation, especially in the context of COVID-19 and UVC LEDs. ICULTA 2021 will discuss progress and innovations in the development of UV LEDs and their broad spectrum of applications.Three years after the first successful ICULTA conference, the follow-up event will be held from April 19 to 20, 2021. Talks by internationally recognized speakers have already been confirmed. To participate with oral or poster/slide presentations, a one-page abstract should be submitted by February 15, 2021.

    Three years after the first successful ‘International Conference on UV LED Technologies & Applications – ICULTA’, the follow-up event will be held from April 19 to 20, 2021. Due to the Corona pandemic, the conference takes place one year later than originally planned and as a virtual event. Once more, ICULTA will bring together pioneers, leaders, and experts from science and industry to discuss latest progress and innovations in the development of UV LEDs and their broad spectrum of applications.

    Cutting-edge topics

    Current global developments have increased attention to topics like disinfection and sterilization in medical environments with UV radiation, especially in the context of COVID-19 and UVC LEDs. These compact-sized, eco-friendly, and flexible light sources open up new applications that cannot be achieved by using conventional UV lamps. UV LEDs with their emission wavelength adjustable over the entire ultraviolet spectral range are a highly attractive tool for controlling biological and chemical processes. Applications range from disinfection of water, air, and surfaces to medical diagnostics, plant growth lighting, and curing of materials.

    ICULTA 2021 offers an international platform for experts in UV LED technology and applications. Talks by internationally recognized speakers have already been confirmed. These include plenary lectures on deep UV LEDs and their application for disinfection and water purification as well as future prospects of this versatile technology and approaches towards standardization and many more.

    Additional call for abstracts

    Many contributions for last year's cancelled ICULTA have been accepted for ICULTA 2021. Nevertheless, new abstracts are highly welcome. There are still free slots available for oral presentations. Additionally, ample space for poster/slide presentations including Q&A’s with the presenters will be provided. To participate, a one-page abstract should be submitted by February 15, 2021.

    Networking, exhibition, and sponsorship

    For two days, ICULTA 2021 features oral and poster presentations as well as many networking opportunities. The German consortium ‘Advanced UV for Life’ and the ‘International Ultraviolet Association’ (IUVA) invite all those who are interested in being part of the conference as attendee, exhibitor, and/or sponsor.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Antje Mertsch
    ‘Advanced UV for Life’ (Germany) c/o Ferdinand-Braun-Institut

    Mickey Fortune
    IUVA (USA)

    Weitere Informationen: - link to the conference - a consortium of about 50 German industrial and academic partners working together in the development and application of UV LEDs. - an international organization of UV industry, educators, consultants, utilities, and research professionals, with a mission to make the use of ultraviolet light a leading technology for public health and environmental application.


    All information about the conference at a glance
    All information about the conference at a glance

    Advanced UV for Life

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler
    Medizin, Physik / Astronomie, Umwelt / Ökologie, Werkstoffwissenschaften
    Wissenschaftliche Tagungen


    All information about the conference at a glance

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