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02.02.2021 16:41

Call for Papers for BIS 2021

Dr. Sandra Niemeyer Kommunikation und Marketing
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)

    Renowned international conference on business information systems offers a forum for the exchange and dissemination of current research results // Submissions open until 14 February 2021 for the BIS – Business Information Systems Conference 2021

    BIS is a renowned international conference on business information systems. BIS 2021 will be the 24th in a series of international conferences. BIS 2021 ( will take place from 15 to 17 June 2021. Depending on the pandemic situation, the e the conference can be organized either in a hybrid or entirely virtual form.
    From the very beginning it has been recognized by professionals as a forum for the exchange and dissemination of topical research in the development, implementation, application, and improvement of computer systems for business processes.
    The TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology in Hannover is co-organiser of this year's BIS Conference.

    Call for Papers is open until 14 February 2021

    The theme of the conference is Enterprise Knowledge and Data Spaces. Both concepts are relevant for data organization and reuse. One of the contemporary ways to represent knowledge in the enterprises are enterprise knowledge graphs or just knowledge graphs. They are a flexible way to represent interlinked information about virtually anything.

    The call for papers is open until 14 February 2021:

    Papers on the following topics can be submitted:

    • Big Data and Data Science
    • Knowledge Graphs
    • Data Spaces
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • ICT Project Management
    • Smart Infrastructures
    • Social Media and Web-based Business Information Systems
    • Applications, Evaluations, and Experiences

    For BIS 2021 the authors will have the opportunity to publish with TIB –Leibniz-Information Centre for Science an Technology in open access model. Proceedings published by TIB will be available on-line with DOI number and indexed, therefore it will also be necessary to typeset using a homogeneous template.

    Information on the programme and registration will be published on the BIS 2021 website in spring 2021:

    Weitere Informationen: – More information about BIS 2021 – More information about the TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
    Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik, Maschinenbau, Wirtschaft
    Wissenschaftliche Tagungen



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