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05.02.2021 15:14

New publication: In focus: Cooperating to enhance small arms control

Susanne Heinke Public Relations
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)

    To contribute to conflict prevention and peacebuilding, national governments and international organisations are working on improved SALW control around the world. This BICC photo publication gives the readers an insight into the work carried out by BICC and its partner organisations on the African continent in this field.

    Financially supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, BICC advises regional and international organisations in Africa and their member states on how to achieve this goal. Together we further develop technical and institutional capacities in this area. At the heart of all these efforts lies the desire to improve the protection of civilians in the long run.

    “In cooperation with BICC, one of the leading European peace and conflict research institutes with many years of project experience in small arms control, we have successfully initiated and supported important regional and national processes over the past few years. This publication provides some vivid impressions of this work”, Ambassador Susanne Baumann, German Federal Foreign Office, explains.

    BICC’s photo publication is published in four languages (English, German, French, Arabic). All photographs were taken by Nikhil Acharya, BICC’s Senior Regional Advisor on Arms Control. Based in Sudan and Kenya since 2012, he has been cooperating closely on the ground with national and regional organisations to strengthen cross-border weapons and ammunition control initiatives in East Africa, the Horn and the Sahel.

    You will find the BICC’s photo publication “In focus: Cooperating to enhance small arms control” at

    Further information:
    Susanne Heinke
    Head of Public Relations
    +49 (0)228 911 9644, -0
    Follow BICC on Twitter:


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