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17.03.2021 15:36

Fraunhofer IAO to host international service research conference

Juliane Segedi Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO

    It is almost two years since the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO established its Research and Innovation Center for Cognitive Service Systems (KODIS) at the Bildungscampus in Heilbronn. This coming October, KODIS will host the international RESER conference for the very first time. The focus of the event will be the digital transformation of the service industry, which is being driven by the increasing role of data and AI.

    RESER is an interdisciplinary network of researchers working in the field of services. It was founded in 1988, at a time when economic and political change first offered a glimpse of a future service economy. Members regularly meet up to exchange ideas on the economic, social and political impact of services and of innovations in this sector. At the same time, researchers also seek to formulate recommendations for decision-makers from the worlds of politics and industry.

    RESER conference 2021 – a forum for discussing service research
    This network’s showpiece is the RESER conference, which has been held annually in a different European city since 1991. This year’s event will be held in Heilbronn and is to be hosted by KODIS in cooperation with other research establishments based on the Bildungscampus. “Heilbronn has raised its profile as a research location enormously in recent years, particularly in the field of digitalization, so an international service conference is a perfect fit,” says Dr. Bernd Bienzeisler, head of KODIS. The conference will focus on how the service economy will change once service provision comes to be based essentially on data analytics and other data applications – and on the associated opportunities and risks for society. Alongside academic sessions, the program will feature reports from the field in order to encourage a greater interchange between theory and praxis. A further highlight of the event will be a two-day makeathon, with the results from this being presented and discussed at the conference.

    Premiere for RESER in a hybrid format
    This year, for the first time ever, the RESER conference will take place in a hybrid format, featuring not only face-to-face but also virtual events. With its spacious facilities and excellent technical infrastructure, the Bildungscampus in Heilbronn is an ideal choice for hosting a conference of this kind.

    Press contact:
    Juliane Segedi
    Fraunhofer IAO
    Nobelstr. 12
    70569 Stuttgart
    Phone +49 711 970-2343

    Weitere Informationen:


    RESER conference on the Heilbronn Bildungscampus
    RESER conference on the Heilbronn Bildungscampus

    © Fraunhofer IAO

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    RESER conference on the Heilbronn Bildungscampus

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