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25.03.2021 17:00

Alfred W. Allen Award of the American Ceramic Society goes to TU Freiberg

Philomena Konstantinidis Pressestelle
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg

    An international research team of the Collaborative Research Center CRC 920 at TU Bergakademie Freiberg was honored on Thursday with the prize of the Society’s Refractory Ceramics Division.

    The American Ceramic Society honours the outstanding scientific contribution of the publication "On the Nonlinear Behavior of Young's Modulus of Carbon-Bonded Alumina at High Temperatures." The international Freiberg research team of the CRC 920 “Multi-Functional Filters for Metal Melt Filtration – A Contribution towards Zero Defect Materials” published the paper in 2018 in the organization's journal. Authors and winners of the award are Dr. Bruno Luchini, Dr. Jörn Grabenhorst und Dr. Jens Fruhstorfer, as well as Prof. Dr. Victor Pandolfelli, Mercator Professor at TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Prof. Dr. Christos G. Aneziris, holder of the Professorship of Ceramics, Refractories and metal-ceramic Composites. Every two years, the award committee reviews scientific articles in the field of refractory ceramics and evaluates them based on their content and impact on current research.

    "The article makes an important contribution to understanding the thermomechanical properties of ceramic filters when used for steel melt filtration at about 1600 °C. Using the so-called Young's module, we were able to make a statement about the microstructure of the carbon-bonded filter material at very high temperatures, providing a prediction for the thermal shock resistance of the ceramic filters," explains Prof. Christos G. Aneziris.

    These results are presented in the dissertation of Dr. Bruno Luchini, who is now an employee at Tata Steel Europe, R&D Ironmaking, Steelmaking and Casting in the Ceramics Research Centre in the Netherlands.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Christos Aneziris,



    Casting of molten steel in a steel casting simulator via a ceramic foam filter based on alumina into a refractory crucible at 1650 °C.
    Casting of molten steel in a steel casting simulator via a ceramic foam filter based on alumina into ...
    Dr. Steffen Dudczig
    TU Bergakademie Freiberg / S. Dudczig

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Maschinenbau, Werkstoffwissenschaften
    Wettbewerbe / Auszeichnungen


    Casting of molten steel in a steel casting simulator via a ceramic foam filter based on alumina into a refractory crucible at 1650 °C.

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