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29.03.2021 10:29

Artificial intelligence to attract European students to study in Deggendorf

Theresa Kappl Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

    The Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) starts the first English-language technical Bachelor's degree programme in Deggendorf: Artificial Intelligence. Prospective students will be able to study Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English as early as October 2021.

    One of the world's first Bachelor's degree programmes in Artificial Intelligence has been available at DIT since 2019. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to automate human decision-making behaviour and will change almost every industry in the coming years and decades. The demand for AI experts on the market is correspondingly high. The future programme coordinator Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner describes AI as the next step in the industrial revolution. This means excellent career prospects for the students. With the new degree programme, the university wants to take this and the advancing internationalisation of the German labour market into account. Above all in Europe, Germany-wide and regionally, the university hopes to interest more young people in studying AI in Deggendorf. Both, lectures and exams, are held in English. A great advantage is the possibility to attend the first two semesters, both in Deggendorf and virtually.

    Minister of Science Bernd Sibler emphasises: "Being future-oriented and international are among the hallmarks of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. Its future offer of an English-language degree programme in ‘Artificial Intelligence’ proves this once again. After all, artificial intelligence is the key technology for diverse new developments worldwide." The degree programme offers over ten modules on AI, providing a broad and in-depth education. Computer science basics are not neglected. Spread throughout the degree, eleven core computer science modules form the backbone of the programme. A highlight of the degree programme is the practical semester, which is scheduled for the fifth semester, in which students apply their knowledge in practice in companies and thereby deepen it. However, the acquisition of key competences and soft skills, for which suitable modules are included, is also important for later professional life. Foreign students also learn the basics of the German language necessary for a successful professional life during their studies. More information on the AI degree programme can be found on the DIT website: Applications for a place on the programme can be submitted from Thursday, 15 April. If you have any questions about the degree programme, Professor Glauner can also be contacted directly at or +49 991 3615 453.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner


    Innovative and practical AI teaching by Prof. Glauner and his colleagues will soon also be offered in an English-language degree programme at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology.
    Innovative and practical AI teaching by Prof. Glauner and his colleagues will soon also be offered i ...
    Theresa Kappl

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    Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
    Studium und Lehre


    Innovative and practical AI teaching by Prof. Glauner and his colleagues will soon also be offered in an English-language degree programme at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology.

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